the toasters, dont let the bastards grind you down
the toasters, two toned army
the toasters, ska killers
fishbone, party at ground zero
3rd wave
smash mouth, diggin' your scene
reel big fish, she has a girlfriend now
reel big fish, dont start a band
rancid, fall back down
rancid, roots radicals
Operation ivy, bad town
Mighty mighty bosstones, where'd you go
mighty mighty bosstones, simmer down
mighty mighty bosstones, bad in plaid
goldfinger, superman
big d and the kids table, raw revolution
big d and the kids table, shinning on
the aquabats, pizza day
the aquabats, look at me, im a winner
How to skank
this took me an hour, so i really hope you guys like it!!!
PS if you like this, and want more, or another post like this, let me know in comments and ill do it! =)
And So It Goes (2014)
9 years ago
I know you worked hard to put this together. I've never paid attention to this type of music before. It's pretty neat, actually. I sampled most of the videos. The Skank instruction video was interesting. I've never been a dancer but I think I could have learned to do this when I was younger. Not now. At least now I know what you are talking about when you mention Ska and Skank. Thanks!
no prob! =)
Hi there, Spys
Wow! I suggested "a few tracks", and you've come back with 19! Many thanks for putting this together. I'm not sure whether I can play them all now (I've got a lot of other things to do this evening), but I will try to come back to this post until I've been through them all.
Even on a quick sample though, I've been reminded how two-tone sounded (though it seems subtly different with American voices than with British or Caribbean), with the trumpets and the drums. I think I was unfair comparing it to rap last time - I'm not sure what I was thinking of there. I've also discovered how third wave sounds - there seems to be a lot more influence from rock there.
Thanks again, and I'll probably come back with more thoughts on this later.
i would love to hear some British ska. ill look it up next chance i get. and its more of a punk influence.
Hi there, Spys
For British ska, I suggest you look out for tracks by The Specials, and also by The English Beat (or just The Beat, because that's what they were called over here - I think the "English" must have been added for the American market). Some of the tracks on the "How to skank" video sounded very familiar.
I think punk may mean something a bit different in America than it does (or did) here. To me, punk was a 1970s phenomenon and music genre (yes, much the same time as two-tone ska!) which was all about anger and rebellion against the Establishment. The music was loud; the lyrics were quite aggressive; and the personal style involved chains and brightly-coloured very spiked hair. The Sex Pistols are the band to look for, though there were plenty of others.
Take care
i hear a lot about the specials. ill look them up, along with the english beat.
well, punk is prety much the same here. its alot about anarchy. i dident put any punk ska up because its not that traditional, but the big influences for 3rd wave are punk (id call it pop punk though), reggae, and earlier ska.
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