i havent had time to process my feelings because i dont wana cry at work (yes today is my first day), and i hate crying in the middle of the day. tonight is going to be really bad for me... any support would make tonight better. thanks.

"Covenants, without the sword, are but words, and of no strength to scare a man at all" -Thomas Hobbes
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you know I love you...It's good that you're thinking...good luck at the job... that makes me proud... tman
Hi there, Spys
I haven't given up on you, but there are some occasions when I just have no idea what to say. Yesterday's post and its comments was definitely one of those. I've been thinking all day about how to respond, but it looks as if I won't have to.
Congratulations on the job! It's quite a surprise - I don't think you've said anything about it before.
Take care
I read your blog Spys, and I must confess I don't post a lot. Its the same story with many of the blogs I read in fact, so I apologise for that.
Good luck on your job, man!
Also, I feel i should mention to you that I like drumming too although i don't have a kit, i also play bass and i do have one of them :)
Hey Chap,
I don't know what kind of support it is that you're looking for, but I am here.
Hope you had a good first day.
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