so we hit lots of traffic, which wasent really that bad because we left late, so it just sounded like there was more traffic when we explained why we were late. then we have to wait out on the street to get into the base. oh i may have forgotten to mention this. we were staying on a base. i wont say what kind of base for personal reasons. after we got in, we went and had cocktails with the man who we were staying with's boss. that when i met Stan and Tyler, the man we were staying withs children. Stan is gay, and 18, while Tyler is straight, and 19 or 20. they both look really young though. so then we started eating. a chief from the base made salmon cakes (like mini crab cakes), chicken, ribs, and amazing shrimp. i dident eat much because i tend to be very shy when i meet new people, and i feel like im being judged if i grab a giant plait. they separated the table for the teens and adults. there was also a girl there who was 17. it was mainly Tyler talking the whole time, but i was ok with that. he was cute, but his brother was adorable.
so after that, we rushed to there quarters and got changed. i hate being rushed, it adds stress, and i was very rushed haha. but we got changed, and walked over to where the parade thing was being help. it really wasent a parade, in the sense of floats and things, but there was alot of marching. they had a great band. Tman, maybe you can explain this to me. how to you memorize music, keep on the beat, and march at the same time? and then march with like a slipped step? i would look like a fool if i tried it haha.
but my favorite part is watching all of the guys do that few sets where they march in place, and they look so in sink. they also do this gun show thing, where they flip guns and march and stuff. it was alot of fun.
after that, we went back to there quarters and talked until 12:30. then we went to out beds. do i was in the same room as Stan, the only problem was he goes to bed early, so its not like we talked at all. and i dident have any alone time with him because his brother or the girl were always there. i dident get to sleep until 2. haha just on a side note, Stan makes funny moaning sound like hes havin sex with his bed when he sleeps. its cute =)
then i woke up at 7:30. i dident get a very good sleep. everyone asked though, and i lied and said i had a great sleep haha. i texted my mom at like 8 and she told me to go to here room because its more comfortable and we could talk. the thing i dident know though is that when she said "we can talk" she meant you can talk to me while i fall back asleep. so then at like 9 everyone was ready and we went to this organic place for breakfast. i get an amazing Belgian waffle with fresh berries on top. it was to die for. and i tried to berries i never tried before, blueberries and raspberries. it also has strawberries and mulberries. then we said our good byes and were on out way.
my biggest regret was not telling Stan im gay. maybe ill friend him on Facebook and tell him on there.

You've never had blueberries or raspberries before! I am so sorry. I actually just finished a slice of blueberry pie and my mom is out picking blueberries, so I couldn't imagine not having tried them by now.
As far as marching, memorizing, and music goes, those players have likely been playing that same song for at least a year and have it memorized. Typically, marching bands practice for several hours a week just getting the beat into their heads and getting their feet to cooperate. Once the music is memorized, it is a lot easier to figure out how to march, but it takes a lot of practice to be even decent.
I'm sure you'll be able to talk to him again. Before there were sites like Facebook and Myspace, getting in contact with anybody was horribly difficult, but these days you can just do a search and find whoever you want to and you'll be able to talk and ask anything you want. It would be nice to be able to talk to someone you know about being gay, especially if you think he's cute.
Sounds like it should have been a fun trip. Don't let one little detail (not talking to Stan) get in the way of everything else. Hope you have a nice day today.
-An Avid Reader Anthony
Sounds like a very nice trip with some new experiences. Sorry you didn't get more time to talk with Stan.
On the marching... depends on if you're talking about the band or the soldiers... The band- in high school I was in the marching band between sports... the director got mad, and wanted me to commit to the band only... I refused... he relented... who cares, anyways... bottom line- we practiced every day in a parking lot at the school... back and forth, incessantly... gag!! I hated it, and was glad to get back to my sports...
In the military, we were back at it again!!!! OMG.... One time, I almost knocked myself out with my M1 carbine, as I flipped it around into 'port arms' position, and, then, back to my My parade cap saved my face, but, it almost strangled me at the same time with the chin strap.... Another time, the guy next to me in formation, actually lost his rifle because we were wearing white dress gloves that were slippery... lol I almost got a crushed toe during that precise maneuver... And, if looks could kill, that guy would be dead!! The squadron leader gave him one of those 'glares'... He was marching "tours' for the next week!!
Stan sounds sweet, kid... Little moaning sounds?? While he's sleeping?? IDK... there's something almost erotic about that, or, is it the way that you described it?? lol Too bad you didn't try to keep him awake to talk, but, at least you had a chance to sleep in the same room... Next time, you'll be more comfortable with him, and you'll be able to talk to him... Don't worry, all this takes some getting used to... It's not always as easy as it looks from the outside, looking in...luv, U.T.<3
maybe he was having a really nice dream... maybe you were in it... ya never know :-)
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