haha hey guys, gota make this post quick because i have to leave in 20 minuets. my sister and i are going to pick my cousin up from a college, where she's taking a soccer camp, and going when school starts back up, and taking her down town, then going to a late lunch with my mom. it might be fun. probably not. then after the lunch, my sister is leaving, and i have to go to the airport with my mom to drop my cousin off there.
but hey, at least this will get my mind off driving. remember how i told you i just couldent do my last one, so i rescheduled, well this one i cant get out of, so im kinda stressing. i HATE it... but thats life right?
somehow, i will manage to pull this off tomorrow.
Holy mackerel!! Are you that bad of a driver?? Man, that reminds me of my sister, the first time she tried to drive mom somewhere... (mom never got her license...lol) It was winter, and the roads were slippery, and the tires were worn (when you're poor, you don't ride on good tires!!), so, my dingbat sister, along with my scared mom (great combination, huh?) head out to pick up my dad from work. (only 1 family car)... Well, the snow is flying, my sister is crawling... probably holding up traffic... and the roads are getting slick... Here comes the final right turn of the trip!! All she has to do, is negotiate that final turn, pick up pop, then, she's done... Pop would take over...
The last turn was, as it turned out, onto a road that resembled a rollercoaster ride--- straight down, extremely steep (it was called Ridge Road, lol), and as she turned the corner, and saw the grade, my sister did what all good drivers do... she completely panics, and freezes... Mom is screaming, she is frozen, the car is sliding, the hill is steep... OMG... Mom grabs the steering wheel from my sister's deathgrip, and frantically turns it... the car hurtles into a snowbank, burying the front end, and trapping the occupants... lol Pop was not amused...
All this, is just my way of saying that I hope you're not that bad of a driver, Peter...lol luv, tman<3
Tman, haha nah im actually i pretty good driver. the problem is, i sike myself out.
and geeze hell of a story haha. hope they were all ok
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