Guy who plays Maxxie
And So It Goes (2014)
9 years ago
"Covenants, without the sword, are but words, and of no strength to scare a man at all" -Thomas Hobbes
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Hi there, Spys
I think this is the third post in a day with my name in - I'm feeling rather flattered!
I've certainly heard of Skins - it was very popular here a couple of years ago, and I saw parts of several episodes while channel-hopping on the TV. I haven't seen much since then (mainly because my TV viewing almost stopped when I got broadband!), and I don't think it has been publicised as much, but I rather expect it still has quite a following, not least from teenagers who, like the characters, are navigating the minefield that Billy mentioned a couple of posts ago. As I recall, the script is written by teenagers, who are aiming to be as true to real life as possible.
I think there are three or four series now, so there's probably quite a lot to go through if you want the full story.
Take care
OK, I'll comment on this post because it's shorter, and, I'm not up to watching a whole bunch of videos right now... I saw some segments that were posted on another blog a few months back, but, never saw the show, in its entirety... I have heard that it was very popular, especially in the gay community...With this guy in it, I completely understand... Reminds me of a show a few years back that was also kind of a gay soap opera called 'Queer as Folk' that started in the Brittish Isles and was remade in the U.S. because of its popularity... You should check that out, Peter, if you haven't seen it...luv, tman<3
Hi there, Spys and tman
I think it's worth me saying a bit more.
Skins is a teenage soap opera, not a gay soap opera as such. As I recall, the focus is on the 16-18 age group at a particular school - so this has the effect that a bunch of new characters appear at the start of a new series (i.e. new school year), and a bunch of familiar ones leave at the end (end of school year). I don't know what the proportion of gay characters is, but I expect that there are some in because the writers know that's how it would be in real life, and want to develop some story lines around them coming out (or not), having sex and relationships, and so on. The episodes I saw had some rather good-looking actors in, though no-one quite up to the standards of "Maxxie" here. The lead actor for the first series was Nicholas Hoult, who's now gone on to bigger things in Hollywood, I think.
Meanwhile, Queer As Folk was quite explicitly a gay soap opera, and a very encouraging sign for the gay community here, in that one of the terrestrial channels was willing to make and schedule a full-length series of this sort. I think the subleties of the title may not translate across the Atlantic very well, so I'll explain. In northern England, there's a saying "There's nowt so queer as folk", i.e. "There's nothing so odd as people". The British series was set in Manchester (which has the largest gay community in northern England), and I imagine the pun on "queer" was too good to be missed. I'm not surprised it was remade for America, but I suspect quite a lot of the subtleties of language and setting were lost along the way. I didn't watch very much of the British series, I'm afraid, and I haven't seen any of the American series at all.
I'm reminded very much of something said by Oscar Wilde, I think, that England and America are "two nations divided by a common language".
Take care
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