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idk if i spelled the title as the last act or as in after waiting a long time. haha sorry.

just got back from the gym. my dad said he wanted to go before the festival, and its hot outside anyway, so we figured that could wait till the sun goes down. im sore from the gym though. thats kinda my goal when i do go, to remember i went the next day by feeling it haha.

i dont really have anything else to say.



A Wandering Pom said...

Hi there, Spys

Gym sounds good - it's something I ought to do too, but I never was one for sports of any sort. I think soreness is a good sign up to a certain point, but you shouldn't overdo it, especially when you start. If you can feel it now, you may really regret it tomorrow morning - that much I can say from experience. Anyway, I'm sure the gym can advise you on what's best.

Best of luck


Anonymous said...

Peter... I hope you know about the cooldown period after a workout, where you allow your body to regain it's equilibrium, and you walk around slowly or do light stretching or exercise bike cycling (light), until you are breathing and talking normally... It's just as important as the warm up to your activity (stretching, light jogging, light cycling, etc.), so that you don't damage any muscles... You should also focus your workout on different muscle groups, alternating groups if you exercise daily, so that one group is rebuilding while you task the next group... The aching that you feel in a stressed muscle is the micro tears that occurred during the exercise, that results in a cascade of events, which are normal to the development of new muscle...
The important thing is to NOT overdo your routines... Also, the 'summer soldier and sunshine patriot' tendencies (to borrow a phrase) of many people, should be avoided- patience and CONSISTENCY are key to getting fit. luv, tman<3

Spys89 said...

Mark, haha thanks. i can barly feel it today which is a let down, but oh well =)

Tman, yeah, i know about the cool down. i used to work out with a personal trainer when i thought i was going to play highschool lacrosse. i normaly dont work out so im trying to get the most out of it =)


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