ok, so tonight was eventful. i gota make this a really quick one though. i have work tomorrow at 6:45... FML. its late here.
whats happened:
another person knows im gay
Patrick got caught out after curfew and is haveing his name scaned as i speek
i got kicked out of my friends house
im gona die tomorrow from lack of sleep.
gota go to bed now.
night! Peace!
whats happened:
another person knows im gay
Patrick got caught out after curfew and is haveing his name scaned as i speek
i got kicked out of my friends house
im gona die tomorrow from lack of sleep.
gota go to bed now.
night! Peace!
hey guys, i read your comments. it was between replying to your comments now, and making this post quickly before i go. i chose the post, but i will reply to you comments ether tonight or tomorrow.
im about to go put put golfing with Emily, and another friend. then were going for ice cream or something after. then when i get home, i might be sneeking out to meet up with Sara and Patrick and another friend. should be a really fun night if everything goes according to plan.
im about to go put put golfing with Emily, and another friend. then were going for ice cream or something after. then when i get home, i might be sneeking out to meet up with Sara and Patrick and another friend. should be a really fun night if everything goes according to plan.
so i just got back home. the whole trip was a bit of a let down, but ill tell you why in the post.
so we hit lots of traffic, which wasent really that bad because we left late, so it just sounded like there was more traffic when we explained why we were late. then we have to wait out on the street to get into the base. oh i may have forgotten to mention this. we were staying on a base. i wont say what kind of base for personal reasons. after we got in, we went and had cocktails with the man who we were staying with's boss. that when i met Stan and Tyler, the man we were staying withs children. Stan is gay, and 18, while Tyler is straight, and 19 or 20. they both look really young though. so then we started eating. a chief from the base made salmon cakes (like mini crab cakes), chicken, ribs, and amazing shrimp. i dident eat much because i tend to be very shy when i meet new people, and i feel like im being judged if i grab a giant plait. they separated the table for the teens and adults. there was also a girl there who was 17. it was mainly Tyler talking the whole time, but i was ok with that. he was cute, but his brother was adorable.
so after that, we rushed to there quarters and got changed. i hate being rushed, it adds stress, and i was very rushed haha. but we got changed, and walked over to where the parade thing was being help. it really wasent a parade, in the sense of floats and things, but there was alot of marching. they had a great band. Tman, maybe you can explain this to me. how to you memorize music, keep on the beat, and march at the same time? and then march with like a slipped step? i would look like a fool if i tried it haha.
but my favorite part is watching all of the guys do that few sets where they march in place, and they look so in sink. they also do this gun show thing, where they flip guns and march and stuff. it was alot of fun.
after that, we went back to there quarters and talked until 12:30. then we went to out beds. do i was in the same room as Stan, the only problem was he goes to bed early, so its not like we talked at all. and i dident have any alone time with him because his brother or the girl were always there. i dident get to sleep until 2. haha just on a side note, Stan makes funny moaning sound like hes havin sex with his bed when he sleeps. its cute =)
then i woke up at 7:30. i dident get a very good sleep. everyone asked though, and i lied and said i had a great sleep haha. i texted my mom at like 8 and she told me to go to here room because its more comfortable and we could talk. the thing i dident know though is that when she said "we can talk" she meant you can talk to me while i fall back asleep. so then at like 9 everyone was ready and we went to this organic place for breakfast. i get an amazing Belgian waffle with fresh berries on top. it was to die for. and i tried to berries i never tried before, blueberries and raspberries. it also has strawberries and mulberries. then we said our good byes and were on out way.
my biggest regret was not telling Stan im gay. maybe ill friend him on Facebook and tell him on there.
so we hit lots of traffic, which wasent really that bad because we left late, so it just sounded like there was more traffic when we explained why we were late. then we have to wait out on the street to get into the base. oh i may have forgotten to mention this. we were staying on a base. i wont say what kind of base for personal reasons. after we got in, we went and had cocktails with the man who we were staying with's boss. that when i met Stan and Tyler, the man we were staying withs children. Stan is gay, and 18, while Tyler is straight, and 19 or 20. they both look really young though. so then we started eating. a chief from the base made salmon cakes (like mini crab cakes), chicken, ribs, and amazing shrimp. i dident eat much because i tend to be very shy when i meet new people, and i feel like im being judged if i grab a giant plait. they separated the table for the teens and adults. there was also a girl there who was 17. it was mainly Tyler talking the whole time, but i was ok with that. he was cute, but his brother was adorable.
so after that, we rushed to there quarters and got changed. i hate being rushed, it adds stress, and i was very rushed haha. but we got changed, and walked over to where the parade thing was being help. it really wasent a parade, in the sense of floats and things, but there was alot of marching. they had a great band. Tman, maybe you can explain this to me. how to you memorize music, keep on the beat, and march at the same time? and then march with like a slipped step? i would look like a fool if i tried it haha.
but my favorite part is watching all of the guys do that few sets where they march in place, and they look so in sink. they also do this gun show thing, where they flip guns and march and stuff. it was alot of fun.
after that, we went back to there quarters and talked until 12:30. then we went to out beds. do i was in the same room as Stan, the only problem was he goes to bed early, so its not like we talked at all. and i dident have any alone time with him because his brother or the girl were always there. i dident get to sleep until 2. haha just on a side note, Stan makes funny moaning sound like hes havin sex with his bed when he sleeps. its cute =)
then i woke up at 7:30. i dident get a very good sleep. everyone asked though, and i lied and said i had a great sleep haha. i texted my mom at like 8 and she told me to go to here room because its more comfortable and we could talk. the thing i dident know though is that when she said "we can talk" she meant you can talk to me while i fall back asleep. so then at like 9 everyone was ready and we went to this organic place for breakfast. i get an amazing Belgian waffle with fresh berries on top. it was to die for. and i tried to berries i never tried before, blueberries and raspberries. it also has strawberries and mulberries. then we said our good byes and were on out way.
my biggest regret was not telling Stan im gay. maybe ill friend him on Facebook and tell him on there.

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Time: 7:48 PM
ok, so i forgot to tell you guys how my therapy session was (if you wana call it that haha). lets back track a little. i originally told my mom i wanted to go because of my anxiety. i still do, but i think i wana be able to talk to somone, in person, whos older and can give good advice on things i can do. i know i have my close girl friends for in person, and you guys for great advice, but i kinda wanted a mix ya know?
well i was really anxious up until he walked out. his name is Rob. for privacy thats all im sayin. well he took my mom and i in. we just talk for like 20 minuets about my past, and my mom and stuff. then my mom left. he asked more personal things about me, like if i played sports, if i had good friends, if i drank, if i drank alone, if i cut myself, things like that. i answered all but one question honestly. this is somthing i really hate to admit, but i figure it might help some really get to know me, and maybe i can help some other kids goen through this too.
when he asked me if i cut myself, i said no. i said no because, well, i hate admitting it, and i dont think its a problem anymore. when i was really depressed a few months ago (i think about Larry), i did cut self, but never to try and kill myself. it just helped me relieve stress. i cant really explain it. and i never cut deep, just an inch long scratch. i stoped after i felt happy again, maybe 3 weeks later. well i also cut a few days ago, but only one day, and im never doing it again. if i ever do it again while im in therapy, ill tell him i just started and get some help for it, because i dont think its a good habit.
well thats all that really happened. it was only for like 30 or 45 minuets.
i have to start packing tomorrow. im going to a parade in a city thats only an hour or so away. im going with my mom, and her friend, husband, and one son are comming to. the one son is 18. he just came out. maybe it'll be cool talking with him. i was suposed to sleep in the same room with him when my sister was comming, but now she's not so i might be sleeping with my mom. i really dont care what room i sleep in, but itd be cool to finaly tell a guy im gay, and see how much support he's been getting.
thats all for now. i leave you with a funny picture from one of thoes magazines from 20 years ago they have in doctors offices.
and PS, that was really hard for me to admit so please no one be mad at me!
well i was really anxious up until he walked out. his name is Rob. for privacy thats all im sayin. well he took my mom and i in. we just talk for like 20 minuets about my past, and my mom and stuff. then my mom left. he asked more personal things about me, like if i played sports, if i had good friends, if i drank, if i drank alone, if i cut myself, things like that. i answered all but one question honestly. this is somthing i really hate to admit, but i figure it might help some really get to know me, and maybe i can help some other kids goen through this too.
when he asked me if i cut myself, i said no. i said no because, well, i hate admitting it, and i dont think its a problem anymore. when i was really depressed a few months ago (i think about Larry), i did cut self, but never to try and kill myself. it just helped me relieve stress. i cant really explain it. and i never cut deep, just an inch long scratch. i stoped after i felt happy again, maybe 3 weeks later. well i also cut a few days ago, but only one day, and im never doing it again. if i ever do it again while im in therapy, ill tell him i just started and get some help for it, because i dont think its a good habit.
well thats all that really happened. it was only for like 30 or 45 minuets.
i have to start packing tomorrow. im going to a parade in a city thats only an hour or so away. im going with my mom, and her friend, husband, and one son are comming to. the one son is 18. he just came out. maybe it'll be cool talking with him. i was suposed to sleep in the same room with him when my sister was comming, but now she's not so i might be sleeping with my mom. i really dont care what room i sleep in, but itd be cool to finaly tell a guy im gay, and see how much support he's been getting.
thats all for now. i leave you with a funny picture from one of thoes magazines from 20 years ago they have in doctors offices.
and PS, that was really hard for me to admit so please no one be mad at me!

ok guys, so sence i've been neglecting the blog latley, im going to give you guys a movie (bottom)
thats me.
Peter's was fun. we dident really drive anywhere though, just around his neighborhood. then we parked and talked. i had to sneek in and out of his house through a window though. that wasent that fun haha. i did have a good time though.
sence then i havent really done anything. im finaly going to come back and be much more committed to my blog. im going to catch up on emails and comments first, then start posting regularly again.
sorry for my absence!
EDIT: agreed with Tman. forgot bout the whole privacy thing. haha
thats me.
Peter's was fun. we dident really drive anywhere though, just around his neighborhood. then we parked and talked. i had to sneek in and out of his house through a window though. that wasent that fun haha. i did have a good time though.
sence then i havent really done anything. im finaly going to come back and be much more committed to my blog. im going to catch up on emails and comments first, then start posting regularly again.
sorry for my absence!
EDIT: agreed with Tman. forgot bout the whole privacy thing. haha
Category :
Time: 12:55 PM
ok guys, with all the drama going on lately, i've over looked some stuff. i've had over 10,000 views!!!!! wow! i never thought id get even half of that. i also now have 20 followers!!! Wow again!
so, i've been putting off posting. im finally happy, which is rare now a day for me. i know sooner or later ill screw this up. im trying to enjoy it while it lasts.
there will be a slight change. i will no longer be talking about marijuana or alcohol. thats to hopefully keep fighting down, and maybe it'll also slow my intake down. i think this shows that im... well not ashamed of doing this, but i feel the need to hide it, which tells me im not completely happy with it. so unless im telling you guys im taking a break from ether, or quitting ether for good, it will be out of sight and out of mind.
so now this should be a long post, or as long as my attention span will stay on the computer, and not the My Life On The D List (i love Kathy Griffin!!!).
today, im expecting to be happy for most of the day. i woke up at 2 in the afternoon. i worked out for 20 minuets. not long, but i figure im going to try this 3 day thing, where i work out different mussels for 3 day, and then take a day off to rest. so i realized i wouldent have to work out that long =) yay!!! haha
then i took a shower, and practiced my drumming.
later today, im going to my first therapy session. should be interesting. after that im spending the night at Peters. haha were sneaking out tonight and he knows these 2 girls who are gona drive us and hang. im pumped.
ok, my attention span has run out.
so, i've been putting off posting. im finally happy, which is rare now a day for me. i know sooner or later ill screw this up. im trying to enjoy it while it lasts.
there will be a slight change. i will no longer be talking about marijuana or alcohol. thats to hopefully keep fighting down, and maybe it'll also slow my intake down. i think this shows that im... well not ashamed of doing this, but i feel the need to hide it, which tells me im not completely happy with it. so unless im telling you guys im taking a break from ether, or quitting ether for good, it will be out of sight and out of mind.
so now this should be a long post, or as long as my attention span will stay on the computer, and not the My Life On The D List (i love Kathy Griffin!!!).
today, im expecting to be happy for most of the day. i woke up at 2 in the afternoon. i worked out for 20 minuets. not long, but i figure im going to try this 3 day thing, where i work out different mussels for 3 day, and then take a day off to rest. so i realized i wouldent have to work out that long =) yay!!! haha
then i took a shower, and practiced my drumming.
later today, im going to my first therapy session. should be interesting. after that im spending the night at Peters. haha were sneaking out tonight and he knows these 2 girls who are gona drive us and hang. im pumped.
ok, my attention span has run out.
hey guys, you dont know how good it feels to come online and see some old friends, as well as some new ones, actually care about me.
i was sure i was going to close my blog today. i could only dwell on the bad things the blog has done for me. its made me do things i dont like to do to myself, that i thought i left in the past. its made me cry so much. but, i think its helped me change a little, in a very good way.
i've been treating my mom better, which i dont think would have happened without the blog. i've excepted myself. i've told people. i've gained confidence.
even if no more comes from this blog, the hope that more will come keeps me going.
im not closing. it may take me a night or 2 to do things like reply to emials, or comments, but its just a short break for me to think about how i can improve my life.
things to expect in the future: talking about my job, my sleep over with Andrew, and my sleepover with Peter tomorrow night.
i need to give you guys a special thanks for supporting me. you dont know how much it means.
i was sure i was going to close my blog today. i could only dwell on the bad things the blog has done for me. its made me do things i dont like to do to myself, that i thought i left in the past. its made me cry so much. but, i think its helped me change a little, in a very good way.
i've been treating my mom better, which i dont think would have happened without the blog. i've excepted myself. i've told people. i've gained confidence.
even if no more comes from this blog, the hope that more will come keeps me going.
im not closing. it may take me a night or 2 to do things like reply to emials, or comments, but its just a short break for me to think about how i can improve my life.
things to expect in the future: talking about my job, my sleep over with Andrew, and my sleepover with Peter tomorrow night.
i need to give you guys a special thanks for supporting me. you dont know how much it means.
guys, i just dont know what to say. i feel like i need some support. too many people have given up on me. it happens too much. you'd think i'd learn to expect it.
i havent had time to process my feelings because i dont wana cry at work (yes today is my first day), and i hate crying in the middle of the day. tonight is going to be really bad for me... any support would make tonight better. thanks.
i havent had time to process my feelings because i dont wana cry at work (yes today is my first day), and i hate crying in the middle of the day. tonight is going to be really bad for me... any support would make tonight better. thanks.

Category :
Time: 12:55 PM
ok, so tonight Andrew is comin over and is spending the night at my house. he might try weed. i also tried to get somthing else to smoke. idk though. it should be fun. he's bringin his xbox over and call of duty. i hate playing games, but i love watchin people play so it should be even more fun haha.
i might update you guys later, or just post when he leaves.
i might update you guys later, or just post when he leaves.
idk if i spelled the title as the last act or as in after waiting a long time. haha sorry.
just got back from the gym. my dad said he wanted to go before the festival, and its hot outside anyway, so we figured that could wait till the sun goes down. im sore from the gym though. thats kinda my goal when i do go, to remember i went the next day by feeling it haha.
i dont really have anything else to say.
just got back from the gym. my dad said he wanted to go before the festival, and its hot outside anyway, so we figured that could wait till the sun goes down. im sore from the gym though. thats kinda my goal when i do go, to remember i went the next day by feeling it haha.
i dont really have anything else to say.
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Time: 10:15 AM
haha ok, so i came to a realization. i am such a slut haha. i dident want my blog to be like an XXX blog, but i kinda need to get this out. plz dont judge =)
i do not find Peter attractive at all, and yet, i still wana mess around with him if you know what i mean. probably because im a teen, but still.
also, Andrew just text's me and tell me he got head twice by some girl at the beach. damn i wish he was gay haha. im gelous of that girl =P
i also figured out i need to loose my V card to a girl soon so i can actoualy talk to guys and give them advice (like with Andrew).
alright, i gtg now. bout to go to some festival in the city. Peace!!!
i do not find Peter attractive at all, and yet, i still wana mess around with him if you know what i mean. probably because im a teen, but still.
also, Andrew just text's me and tell me he got head twice by some girl at the beach. damn i wish he was gay haha. im gelous of that girl =P
i also figured out i need to loose my V card to a girl soon so i can actoualy talk to guys and give them advice (like with Andrew).
alright, i gtg now. bout to go to some festival in the city. Peace!!!
Category :
Time: 9:29 AM
so, 2 nights ago i went to the carnival with Sara. we had fun. haha we dident even go on any rides. we just walked around and talked. i think its fair to say she now knows everything about me haha. i hope thats good. i hope we can hang out more.
haha she even told me some stuff about her (and Patrick haha). like the time they role played, and i now know her fetish haha. its cool though, i think she trusts me.
there were 2 or 3 other people we were suposed to meet there, but when they showed up, we ditched them haha. i had only met them once so i really dident care, and Sara told me they were "fake friends". thats the one thing i dont like about Sara, she'd fake to alot of people. i trust she isent that way with me, but you could say shes the eppidimy of what i hate haha. well these "fake friends" apparently hate her, and she dosent like them back. i dont see why there friends, must be a girl thing haha.
Sara and i were sitting near one of the exits, and there were a group of older black kids walking out. not being racist, Sara is just not as comfortable around black guys as she is black girls. (she goes to an all girls school, and in our town, there are no black people so she hasent been exposed). well they asked her how old she was. she told them she was 15 (true). and they asked if i was her boyfriend. we both just laughed. she said i was her best friend. they asked if she wanted to be this one guys girlfriend. she said ok (joking around). they said can we have your number. she said no haha. they just walked off. it was kinda weird... but funny =)
also, word of advice, if you like the smell of unlit cigeretts (they smell like tea) and you mom keeps her lighter in the cigerett box thing, make sure you dont spark the lighter when you smelling it. all you can smell for the next day is burnt hair, of and it HURTS!!!! haha
haha she even told me some stuff about her (and Patrick haha). like the time they role played, and i now know her fetish haha. its cool though, i think she trusts me.
there were 2 or 3 other people we were suposed to meet there, but when they showed up, we ditched them haha. i had only met them once so i really dident care, and Sara told me they were "fake friends". thats the one thing i dont like about Sara, she'd fake to alot of people. i trust she isent that way with me, but you could say shes the eppidimy of what i hate haha. well these "fake friends" apparently hate her, and she dosent like them back. i dont see why there friends, must be a girl thing haha.
Sara and i were sitting near one of the exits, and there were a group of older black kids walking out. not being racist, Sara is just not as comfortable around black guys as she is black girls. (she goes to an all girls school, and in our town, there are no black people so she hasent been exposed). well they asked her how old she was. she told them she was 15 (true). and they asked if i was her boyfriend. we both just laughed. she said i was her best friend. they asked if she wanted to be this one guys girlfriend. she said ok (joking around). they said can we have your number. she said no haha. they just walked off. it was kinda weird... but funny =)
also, word of advice, if you like the smell of unlit cigeretts (they smell like tea) and you mom keeps her lighter in the cigerett box thing, make sure you dont spark the lighter when you smelling it. all you can smell for the next day is burnt hair, of and it HURTS!!!! haha
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Time: 1:22 PM
ok, so i took a long time to think. i've come to a conclusion. im gona keep my blog open (thanks Taylor!).
i dont know if everyone wants me to, or even still wants to read. i welcome everyone to continue!
guys, i gota ask a favor though, please dont try to force me to change somthing i dont want to change. i know you guys are doing it for me, but if i dont wana change, i dont want you guys waisting your time.
Tman, i am open to changing. look at the time i took off of smoking pot. i did it for 2 reasons, 1) to see if i could, and 2) to see if i liked it more. so i am open to change when i want to, it just so happens, i dont want to on some things.
if you guys want me to write about more philosophical stuff, i will. Tman had a good point, most people probably dont know to many of my philosophies. i failed you guys on that part.
one last favor, please dont call me a bad person, or judge me like that, and please dont bring up my involvment in my parents divorce. i know you may not have ment to Brian, and believe me, no hard feelings, but thats just a touchy subject.
i hope we can all get past the last 2 posts and get back to normal. thanks guys who are staying with me, and sorry guys like DJ who joined at a, well awkward time.
Peace and Love!!!
sorry for the repost of this video, i just think it fits in very nicely.
i dont know if everyone wants me to, or even still wants to read. i welcome everyone to continue!
guys, i gota ask a favor though, please dont try to force me to change somthing i dont want to change. i know you guys are doing it for me, but if i dont wana change, i dont want you guys waisting your time.
Tman, i am open to changing. look at the time i took off of smoking pot. i did it for 2 reasons, 1) to see if i could, and 2) to see if i liked it more. so i am open to change when i want to, it just so happens, i dont want to on some things.
if you guys want me to write about more philosophical stuff, i will. Tman had a good point, most people probably dont know to many of my philosophies. i failed you guys on that part.
one last favor, please dont call me a bad person, or judge me like that, and please dont bring up my involvment in my parents divorce. i know you may not have ment to Brian, and believe me, no hard feelings, but thats just a touchy subject.
i hope we can all get past the last 2 posts and get back to normal. thanks guys who are staying with me, and sorry guys like DJ who joined at a, well awkward time.
Peace and Love!!!
sorry for the repost of this video, i just think it fits in very nicely.
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Time: 8:43 AM
ok, so obviously that last post was, well, interesting. im thinking about closing the blog. i never wanted to change that way i thought. it was really only to help me figure out if i was gay, and to get advice on certain things, never how i thought. go ahead, call me a child and say im running away from my problems. well to me, there not problems. no hard feelings guys. i havent decided for sure that im gona, but i might as early as tonight. i love you guys, no matter what i say. i really do. if you guys wana keep in touch after i posibly close the blog, write down my email.
if you guys still wana talk about the last post, please tell me things like:
a) how my parents are controlling my emotions
b) what im saying that makes me sound so childish
c) idk anything else haha
Peace guys
if you guys still wana talk about the last post, please tell me things like:
a) how my parents are controlling my emotions
b) what im saying that makes me sound so childish
c) idk anything else haha
Peace guys
i dont know what exactly im writing this time. i know the subject i want to write about, i just dont have it planned out like i normally do. so sorry if you get lost in this madness.
ill start off with what i said id address. so im sure most of you know about the lip ring. DJ, our newest follower, you might wana read bout it 2 post ago i believe. well i dont want it for looks. honestly, i dont think i could pull it off. i'd have alot of fun tryin to, but that wouldent be my purpose. no, my purpose would be to test my mom. my mom, as much as i love her, has never been able to control me. she may think she can, but no, she cant. i am... well, manipulative. i make her think shes in control by slightly disobeying her, then pretending her threats scare me, and going along with what she says. little does she know, she has nothing over me.
last time i was punished, i got a time out. i wana say i was 6. well, atleast last time i was punished by my parents. i then "shaped up" until my parents divorce. i then started coming back out of my shell. i would i to take credit for that, but i cant. haha that was all puberty i guess, mixed with my sisters new found friendship.
i started drinking then, you guys know that story, then smoking cigars, then cigs, and now weed. they both know i drink. i left things out one night, but not making them obvious, to see if my mom could actually but 2 and 2 together. she did. i wanted to know what my punishment would be. it was a talking to. thats it.
she found a corona bottle under my bed. background info:i was gettin rid of my cans, while talking to my sis, and asked if she had anything i could through out for her. she said yeah, a corona bottle, i went, found it, through it out, and that was that. well, the next weekend, i was drinking, had a few coronas, then hid them under my bed. mom found them, and i said they were my sisters. my mom dosent care that my sister drinks cuz at that points, she was already in college. they talked, and somehow my mom never mentioned there were more than 1 bottle, so my sister to the fall for that one.
well point is, my mom cant punish me. she knows im home alone during the day. she knows my dad pays for my phone. even if she got my dad on her side, they know theyd be screwed if i dident have my phone cuz thats what they use to contact me. i payed for my own computer. if my mom kicks me out, i go live with my dad, and same vise versa. my mom ownes my car, but shed be screwed if i dident have that. i wouldent be able to get to school. shed have to drive me every day.
sorry this was a, well, admitably lame post. i guess talking about control will only create controversy. geez dont kill me in your comments guys haha im bad, but im not mean. i dont hurt other people. oh and dont even say im hurting my parents.
ill start off with what i said id address. so im sure most of you know about the lip ring. DJ, our newest follower, you might wana read bout it 2 post ago i believe. well i dont want it for looks. honestly, i dont think i could pull it off. i'd have alot of fun tryin to, but that wouldent be my purpose. no, my purpose would be to test my mom. my mom, as much as i love her, has never been able to control me. she may think she can, but no, she cant. i am... well, manipulative. i make her think shes in control by slightly disobeying her, then pretending her threats scare me, and going along with what she says. little does she know, she has nothing over me.
last time i was punished, i got a time out. i wana say i was 6. well, atleast last time i was punished by my parents. i then "shaped up" until my parents divorce. i then started coming back out of my shell. i would i to take credit for that, but i cant. haha that was all puberty i guess, mixed with my sisters new found friendship.
i started drinking then, you guys know that story, then smoking cigars, then cigs, and now weed. they both know i drink. i left things out one night, but not making them obvious, to see if my mom could actually but 2 and 2 together. she did. i wanted to know what my punishment would be. it was a talking to. thats it.
she found a corona bottle under my bed. background info:i was gettin rid of my cans, while talking to my sis, and asked if she had anything i could through out for her. she said yeah, a corona bottle, i went, found it, through it out, and that was that. well, the next weekend, i was drinking, had a few coronas, then hid them under my bed. mom found them, and i said they were my sisters. my mom dosent care that my sister drinks cuz at that points, she was already in college. they talked, and somehow my mom never mentioned there were more than 1 bottle, so my sister to the fall for that one.
well point is, my mom cant punish me. she knows im home alone during the day. she knows my dad pays for my phone. even if she got my dad on her side, they know theyd be screwed if i dident have my phone cuz thats what they use to contact me. i payed for my own computer. if my mom kicks me out, i go live with my dad, and same vise versa. my mom ownes my car, but shed be screwed if i dident have that. i wouldent be able to get to school. shed have to drive me every day.
sorry this was a, well, admitably lame post. i guess talking about control will only create controversy. geez dont kill me in your comments guys haha im bad, but im not mean. i dont hurt other people. oh and dont even say im hurting my parents.
haha hey guys, gota make this post quick because i have to leave in 20 minuets. my sister and i are going to pick my cousin up from a college, where she's taking a soccer camp, and going when school starts back up, and taking her down town, then going to a late lunch with my mom. it might be fun. probably not. then after the lunch, my sister is leaving, and i have to go to the airport with my mom to drop my cousin off there.
but hey, at least this will get my mind off driving. remember how i told you i just couldent do my last one, so i rescheduled, well this one i cant get out of, so im kinda stressing. i HATE it... but thats life right?
somehow, i will manage to pull this off tomorrow.
but hey, at least this will get my mind off driving. remember how i told you i just couldent do my last one, so i rescheduled, well this one i cant get out of, so im kinda stressing. i HATE it... but thats life right?
somehow, i will manage to pull this off tomorrow.

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Time: 2:39 PM
haha ill start with last night. so my mom picked me up, and we went to a Japanese stake house place where they cook the food right in front of you. we both love the food. it was fun. i told my mom how Celie is trying to convince me to get a lip ring, and she said if i came home with one, she'd kick me out. i think i might see if she actually will. i have freckles under my lip where snake bites (a lover lip piercing on each side) would go, so ill just get one on the freckle and there'll be no scar when school starts.
well this day has been quite weird. i woke up, watched skins, haha season 3, went downstairs to find out my dog broke a light bulb. cleaned that up, then texted Celie and Megan, just saying hey. no reply. i continued watching skins. then i texted Sara and said "hey, ill stop bothering you. just text me if you ever wana hang" no reply. dosent it feel great having no friends? haha
well this day has been quite weird. i woke up, watched skins, haha season 3, went downstairs to find out my dog broke a light bulb. cleaned that up, then texted Celie and Megan, just saying hey. no reply. i continued watching skins. then i texted Sara and said "hey, ill stop bothering you. just text me if you ever wana hang" no reply. dosent it feel great having no friends? haha

tonight was good i think. i played Risk with my dad (BTW, best game ever!!!), then he made me a cheese burger, and took me home. i got home, and hung out with Megan. we talked about her boy friend and things like that. not much has changed sence i told her i was gay. or atleast not at that point in the night.
after that, i came home and hung out and talked to my mom for 45 minuets. i had a sort of small anxiety/panic attack. i really cant explain it. i was suposed to go driving for drivers edd tomorrow, thursday, and friday, but i just told my mom i couldent. i dont know why, but i just cant. no real way to explain it. its my anxiety. this only happened a few time before, but my mom understood. the good thing is this time it could be fixed, unlike the other times. my moms gona call tomorrow and reschedule it for after i meat with a psychologist or psychiatrist, or who ever can give me anxiety meds.
speaking of which, my mom started me tonight on a very small dose of anxiety meds. she asked her doctor who gave her the go ahead for me. i really hope it helps. its just so debilitating sometimes and i hate it. it makes me even more frustrated when i cant explain it.
now im talking to Megan and she's telling me how stressed she is and that she cant talk. i just told her about what i did with Peter, and somthing with another guy, and she dident reply. i sent her a message saying "no reply?" and thats when she said she was stressed.
after that, i came home and hung out and talked to my mom for 45 minuets. i had a sort of small anxiety/panic attack. i really cant explain it. i was suposed to go driving for drivers edd tomorrow, thursday, and friday, but i just told my mom i couldent. i dont know why, but i just cant. no real way to explain it. its my anxiety. this only happened a few time before, but my mom understood. the good thing is this time it could be fixed, unlike the other times. my moms gona call tomorrow and reschedule it for after i meat with a psychologist or psychiatrist, or who ever can give me anxiety meds.
speaking of which, my mom started me tonight on a very small dose of anxiety meds. she asked her doctor who gave her the go ahead for me. i really hope it helps. its just so debilitating sometimes and i hate it. it makes me even more frustrated when i cant explain it.
now im talking to Megan and she's telling me how stressed she is and that she cant talk. i just told her about what i did with Peter, and somthing with another guy, and she dident reply. i sent her a message saying "no reply?" and thats when she said she was stressed.
Category :
Time: 9:51 AM
alright, so my last post got 0 comments, first time in a while, so im posting somthing i wana hear you oppinion about.
are we products of our environment?
i say yea, but its not that simple. i think genetics also has alot to do with it. i think our genetic make up decides how seceptible we are to curtain things, like our environment (whats absent, and in excess).
i dont know why i am gay, and im not blaming my parents, or the house that i grew up in, but i always wonder if that could be part of it. i also dont think i was "born gay." i think i was born more seceptible to a homosexual influence, and i think my interpretation of thoes influences is what made me gay. i was not born gay because if you look at me as a child, yes, i'll admit, i used to like to play with my neighbors barbies, but not because i liked fasion, but because of the type of imagination i have. sorry straid from the sentence. i was not born gay because i thought girls were prety, i likes masculin things, and at that age, i was a "normal" straight boy.
i could be gay because i was always looking up to my sister, and she was always saying boys were cute, and had a wall full of photos of guys. maybe i was trying to emulate her, and because of that, im gay.
ill never know why im gay, and to be honnest, i dont ever want to know, all i know is im happy being gay, and it is who i am.
PS Tman, if your reading this, im honestaly sorry if i make you feel like your efforts are pointless, and if i took all of your motivation and fun out of blogging. plz come back!!!
are we products of our environment?
i say yea, but its not that simple. i think genetics also has alot to do with it. i think our genetic make up decides how seceptible we are to curtain things, like our environment (whats absent, and in excess).
i dont know why i am gay, and im not blaming my parents, or the house that i grew up in, but i always wonder if that could be part of it. i also dont think i was "born gay." i think i was born more seceptible to a homosexual influence, and i think my interpretation of thoes influences is what made me gay. i was not born gay because if you look at me as a child, yes, i'll admit, i used to like to play with my neighbors barbies, but not because i liked fasion, but because of the type of imagination i have. sorry straid from the sentence. i was not born gay because i thought girls were prety, i likes masculin things, and at that age, i was a "normal" straight boy.
i could be gay because i was always looking up to my sister, and she was always saying boys were cute, and had a wall full of photos of guys. maybe i was trying to emulate her, and because of that, im gay.
ill never know why im gay, and to be honnest, i dont ever want to know, all i know is im happy being gay, and it is who i am.
PS Tman, if your reading this, im honestaly sorry if i make you feel like your efforts are pointless, and if i took all of your motivation and fun out of blogging. plz come back!!!
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Time: 1:15 PM
ok guys, so last night i was on Facebook with Celie when she was at her friends house. this friend, Asa, used to go to Celie and i's school. she transferred in like 6th grade. Celies kept in touch, but i really havent except for the occasional text. well me and Celie were talking about cute guys, and Asa saw. she asked Celie bout it, and Celie askd me what she should say. i told her i really dont care if she knows, but make sure she wont tell. Asa's brother and cousin go to my school and if they found out, well think about it, gay at an all guys school. lest just say my life would be screwed.
im about to go to my dads, so i dont know when the next time ill post will be, but ill try and post soon.
im about to go to my dads, so i dont know when the next time ill post will be, but ill try and post soon.
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Time: 1:21 PM
ok, so last night was... well we'll call it interesting. i was watching skins until maybe 1 or 1:30 AM. i finished season 1. during the last episode, everyone was smoking, and well, it made me wana smoke, so i did.
i went outside and finished my last black and mild. when i say last, i dont mean im gona stop, i mean finished that last one i had on me. only got maybe 8-12 puffs, so there wasent much. but while i was smoking, i got really lonely feeling. not because of the tobacco, but because i watch shows with gay guys on them, like skins, or degrassi, and they always seem to find other gay guys, and they have straight guys as friends too. i only know one openly gay person in my town, and hes goen off to college, so im alone in this town...
when i got lonely, i texted everyone. Celie, Emily, Megan, and Sara. no one replied... then, when i went to get rid of the filter, Celie textd me back. i told her i was lonely, and just wanted to talk. she is always comforting, saying things like baby, hun, and stuff like u shouldnt have to feel this pain. it normally helps.
well we were talking, and i told her how i wanted to tell Peter im gay. she supported me, but understood when i said i wasent going to because he is one of my closest guy friends. but i also told her about my moms disappointment in somthing i dident even choose, my sexuality. i probably cried for 30 minuets outside. i finaly stoped when i heard the bats churping, or whatever sound they make. it really calmed me down. i dont know why, but i just stoped crying.
i came back in at like 2 and went to bed. that was my weird break downish night.
i also talked to my mom last night about me moving into the basment because its A) colder at night (which i need), and B) bigger. she really liked the idea, and said we could do it in 2 weeks when she has some free time. im excited because the work out equipment is down there along with my drum set, and some couches and a TV. im hoping ill wake up, look at the tredmil, and wana run in the morning. then practice my drums, and relax, all in my room haha.
PS this is my dog, Scooter. he's a West highland white terrior. he's 9 i think. sorry he looks scruffy, we need to get him groomed.
i went outside and finished my last black and mild. when i say last, i dont mean im gona stop, i mean finished that last one i had on me. only got maybe 8-12 puffs, so there wasent much. but while i was smoking, i got really lonely feeling. not because of the tobacco, but because i watch shows with gay guys on them, like skins, or degrassi, and they always seem to find other gay guys, and they have straight guys as friends too. i only know one openly gay person in my town, and hes goen off to college, so im alone in this town...
when i got lonely, i texted everyone. Celie, Emily, Megan, and Sara. no one replied... then, when i went to get rid of the filter, Celie textd me back. i told her i was lonely, and just wanted to talk. she is always comforting, saying things like baby, hun, and stuff like u shouldnt have to feel this pain. it normally helps.
well we were talking, and i told her how i wanted to tell Peter im gay. she supported me, but understood when i said i wasent going to because he is one of my closest guy friends. but i also told her about my moms disappointment in somthing i dident even choose, my sexuality. i probably cried for 30 minuets outside. i finaly stoped when i heard the bats churping, or whatever sound they make. it really calmed me down. i dont know why, but i just stoped crying.
i came back in at like 2 and went to bed. that was my weird break downish night.
i also talked to my mom last night about me moving into the basment because its A) colder at night (which i need), and B) bigger. she really liked the idea, and said we could do it in 2 weeks when she has some free time. im excited because the work out equipment is down there along with my drum set, and some couches and a TV. im hoping ill wake up, look at the tredmil, and wana run in the morning. then practice my drums, and relax, all in my room haha.
PS this is my dog, Scooter. he's a West highland white terrior. he's 9 i think. sorry he looks scruffy, we need to get him groomed.

alright, so i have to confess, i have a new obsession with the British show Skins. its almost like an English version of degrassi if anyones familiar. Mark, maybe you've heard of this show? or anyone else here whos from England? idk, all i know is theres a gay character named Maxxie, who i LOVE. and he hooks up with, and kinda sorta gets head from another adorable guy Tony. awesome show! check it out if you can. just google "skins online free"
Guy who plays Maxxie
Guy who plays Maxxie
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Time: 8:32 PM
the toasters, dont let the bastards grind you down
the toasters, two toned army
the toasters, ska killers
fishbone, party at ground zero
3rd wave
smash mouth, diggin' your scene
reel big fish, she has a girlfriend now
reel big fish, dont start a band
rancid, fall back down
rancid, roots radicals
Operation ivy, bad town
Mighty mighty bosstones, where'd you go
mighty mighty bosstones, simmer down
mighty mighty bosstones, bad in plaid
goldfinger, superman
big d and the kids table, raw revolution
big d and the kids table, shinning on
the aquabats, pizza day
the aquabats, look at me, im a winner
How to skank
this took me an hour, so i really hope you guys like it!!!
PS if you like this, and want more, or another post like this, let me know in comments and ill do it! =)
the toasters, dont let the bastards grind you down
the toasters, two toned army
the toasters, ska killers
fishbone, party at ground zero
3rd wave
smash mouth, diggin' your scene
reel big fish, she has a girlfriend now
reel big fish, dont start a band
rancid, fall back down
rancid, roots radicals
Operation ivy, bad town
Mighty mighty bosstones, where'd you go
mighty mighty bosstones, simmer down
mighty mighty bosstones, bad in plaid
goldfinger, superman
big d and the kids table, raw revolution
big d and the kids table, shinning on
the aquabats, pizza day
the aquabats, look at me, im a winner
How to skank
this took me an hour, so i really hope you guys like it!!!
PS if you like this, and want more, or another post like this, let me know in comments and ill do it! =)
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Time: 8:13 PM
ok, so Emily told me that she told another one of our friends that were dating and might have sex... anyone else see somthing wrong with this picture? i told her it was ok, because the mutual friend is always hitting on Emily. oh well, we'll see how this turns out.
also, this last part is for Mark, sorry i havent posted any philosophy.
ignorance is bliss should be changed to ignorance can be bliss. if you look at it, children are happy because they dont know the things they imagine cant come true, ignorant of reality, but they are also scared of alot, like the dark. they dont know that that ninja there imagining cant just appear from the shadow in the corner of the room. they are also ignorant of reality, but this time, i wouldent say its blissfully, but quite horridly.
my sister and i are, well, for lack of a better word, gifted. i dont like that word because it implies the belief in a higher being, but thats besides the point. both of us are very mature mentally, but immature emotionally. we fit in better with adults in conversations, but better with younger kids when it comes to our emotions.
well i was talking to my sister, mainly about ignorance, and i asked her if she would rather be less mentally mature to be more blissful. she said no, but she also added that she wished that everyone else be brought up to our level. i agree with that.
i think this kind of relates to my smoking and drinking. i know i've said this before, and if you dont wana read, by all means dont because this is more to help me figure myself out, but i think i like drinking and smoking because i can feel normal. this isent a justification, if anything its a reason to stop, but i do like the feeling of normality. at my age, people really set a goal of ether fitting in, or standing out. i naturally stand out, but my appearance in the way i dress dosent. im trying to change that, but i dont think i can change my need for normality.
also, this last part is for Mark, sorry i havent posted any philosophy.
ignorance is bliss should be changed to ignorance can be bliss. if you look at it, children are happy because they dont know the things they imagine cant come true, ignorant of reality, but they are also scared of alot, like the dark. they dont know that that ninja there imagining cant just appear from the shadow in the corner of the room. they are also ignorant of reality, but this time, i wouldent say its blissfully, but quite horridly.
my sister and i are, well, for lack of a better word, gifted. i dont like that word because it implies the belief in a higher being, but thats besides the point. both of us are very mature mentally, but immature emotionally. we fit in better with adults in conversations, but better with younger kids when it comes to our emotions.
well i was talking to my sister, mainly about ignorance, and i asked her if she would rather be less mentally mature to be more blissful. she said no, but she also added that she wished that everyone else be brought up to our level. i agree with that.
i think this kind of relates to my smoking and drinking. i know i've said this before, and if you dont wana read, by all means dont because this is more to help me figure myself out, but i think i like drinking and smoking because i can feel normal. this isent a justification, if anything its a reason to stop, but i do like the feeling of normality. at my age, people really set a goal of ether fitting in, or standing out. i naturally stand out, but my appearance in the way i dress dosent. im trying to change that, but i dont think i can change my need for normality.
hey, so im back. my internet sucks until tomorrow when were getting a new motum or router or somthing.
so i had an amazing dream last night (ill explain it later), after i told Megan, my ex, that im gay. yes, im finaly comfortable saying im GAY!!! no longer is it that i like guys, I AM GAY!!!! =)
well i told her, and we talked about it. she told me a secret about another kid being gay, who i dident know, so it was ok, but i told her she could'nt tell anyone, and as of now, i trust her. she was trying to tell me that Edward was cute (Twilight). nope, hes not haha Jake is =) yes i do also like twilight. and degrassi, which were gona talk about to once boiling point comes on.
i dreamt about Andrew! i never dream, and especially never about Andrew. it was my 3rd "gay" dream. i had one about John's brother (same age as Andrew), and another about another neighbor. well all i can remember about this dream is that we held hands, and he smiled at me. i know, no action, but honestly, i dont ever wana do anything with Andrew. holding hands is nice and innocent. i wana keep it that way, innocent.
i had a blast at the beach. i was really bummed i couldent go kayaking, but boogie-boarding made up for it haha. i only smoked weed one time while i was there too.
i also learned how to skank. its a dance to ska music. i dont expect any of u guys to know about ska, but its an awsome genre of music. if you wana hear some, leave a comment and ill tell u some killer bands.
ok, im gona go now, but ill leave you with one more thing; I AM GAY!!!
so i had an amazing dream last night (ill explain it later), after i told Megan, my ex, that im gay. yes, im finaly comfortable saying im GAY!!! no longer is it that i like guys, I AM GAY!!!! =)
well i told her, and we talked about it. she told me a secret about another kid being gay, who i dident know, so it was ok, but i told her she could'nt tell anyone, and as of now, i trust her. she was trying to tell me that Edward was cute (Twilight). nope, hes not haha Jake is =) yes i do also like twilight. and degrassi, which were gona talk about to once boiling point comes on.
i dreamt about Andrew! i never dream, and especially never about Andrew. it was my 3rd "gay" dream. i had one about John's brother (same age as Andrew), and another about another neighbor. well all i can remember about this dream is that we held hands, and he smiled at me. i know, no action, but honestly, i dont ever wana do anything with Andrew. holding hands is nice and innocent. i wana keep it that way, innocent.
i had a blast at the beach. i was really bummed i couldent go kayaking, but boogie-boarding made up for it haha. i only smoked weed one time while i was there too.
i also learned how to skank. its a dance to ska music. i dont expect any of u guys to know about ska, but its an awsome genre of music. if you wana hear some, leave a comment and ill tell u some killer bands.
ok, im gona go now, but ill leave you with one more thing; I AM GAY!!!
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Time: 10:14 AM
ok, so this will be a short post too. cant wait till i get back and have the time to chech my email and other blogs.
so i just got back from the beach, where i got totaly demolished by the masive waves. the red flag was up, but do you really think that stoped me? nope! haha my boogie board and i faught the waves as long as we could (30 minuets) i caught only 3 waves, but they were so nice. had alot of fun.
i gota go to the boardwalk thing now to pick up a really cool jacket/hoodie/thing for $15. ill try and find a pic of it later. Peace!!!
so i just got back from the beach, where i got totaly demolished by the masive waves. the red flag was up, but do you really think that stoped me? nope! haha my boogie board and i faught the waves as long as we could (30 minuets) i caught only 3 waves, but they were so nice. had alot of fun.
i gota go to the boardwalk thing now to pick up a really cool jacket/hoodie/thing for $15. ill try and find a pic of it later. Peace!!!
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