Category :

Day 1:

this ^ was our view of the ocean

haha think we had enough snacks?

Day 2:

The first church we went to

the beach =)

Day 3:

The main house

The trash from outside the house

Day 4:

us sorting the stuff from inside the house

the painting sight at the church (the sight i was at)


a very hungery lizard we found haha

Day 5:

replacing the screaning

Oliver teaching one of the 9 kids how to do the moon walk on there new floors (we installed)

the kid testing them out haha

Day 6:

beginings of a new foundation

the trenches (of the foundation haha)

all done =)

2 of the boys' room (main sight new floor)

Group photo

yay were done! (my fav. pic)

one of the counslers carying a tired little one back to he redone house

nice way to relax after a long day

alright, so im not going to post anything else today. to be hinest, this took a long time and im tired as anything. i hope you guys understand!

also, i hated blackening out the faces of everyone in the pictures. i also hope you guys will understand that was for there and my own protection.

ok Peace!!!


Anonymous said...

wow!! thanks SO much, for all the work you put in to post all the pictures, kid!! I know that you're not feeling well, so get some rest and get back on your feet as soon as possible!!! I'm beat, myself!! I got home after a long day of building a crazy roof structure over a concrete porch with a big, arched opening on the front that basically had to be self supported... kind of hard to explain, and I don't have a camera... yet... It's on my wish list for the future tho!! So, maybe when I finally decide which one to buy, I'll show you the kind of building that I do, nowadays...

In the meantime, I'm sending along a big hug for the hard work and thoughtfulness you have exhibited in posting the great pictures!! It looks like you guys did a GREAT job!!! luv you kid!! tman<3

A Wandering Pom said...

Hi there, Spys

Many thanks for posting the pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words, so they say, and now I need to go back and match up these pictures with the words you've already written. It certainly looks like a nice part of the world - lots of trees and greenery.

Meanwhile, I'm going to be "off-air" until late on Saturday: I'm having a trip of my own, to another part of "England's green and pleasant land", and I'll be staying with a friend tonight so I can have an easier start tomorrow morning.

Take care


Spys89 said...

Hey Tman, that sounds like a lot of work. personaly, im more of a buisness man so i cant even imagine building a self supporting anything.

and Mark, it was nice, but it was also pollin time there so my alergies dident help. im glad your taking a trip. sounds cool. i hope you have fun!


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