ok, so i got up this morning, took a shower, got ready for the day, then went to drum lessons. i really enjoy lessons because i am deffinatly improving. the thing is, im really bad at expressing anything that people will judge. like art. i hated that class because no matter how comfortable with the people i am, my work is always very reserved. i have drawn things that look like me, like what i would do if i was mor outgoing, but then i shred them so noone can judge the real me. its really bad, and i want to get on some sort of medicine because of that and anxiety.idk if or when i will, but my whole family is on meds so i feel its just a matter of time.
well gettin back to drums, my teacher is really cool, and told me to just play around. i told him i couldent. he said he dident care if it sounded good or bad, just to use flams (a type of pattern to hit your sticks in)and i litteraly just played flams. he told me to use the toms and cymbals. i just did the bare minimum. it was bad. he told me to practice that and be ready to be put on the spot next week. i still wont be ready. then we just pratcised some more and it was time to go.
my mom and i went out for beagles. i got a plain and an egg sunflower. it was really good! i think my mom got cynamin reaisen which she liked too.
then we went to old navy. as you probably saw, there were some cute guys there, and one in particular. i was with my mom, and im shy, so i dident say anything, but he was adorable.
the picture at the top is 2 of the 4 things i got, the hoody and the jeans. probably not gona wear eather for a while, but it'll be good for the fall. i also got 2 pairs of shorts for $15 each. great sale haha. i normaly hate shopping, but i think im starting to enjoy it. now it really pisses me off when i go and get nothing, like normaly, but when im with my mom, she always makes me get a few things. i need to go to holister with Sara soon. maybe in 2 weeks we'll go.
btw, my face dosent normaly look black haha, its just for privecy issues. Peace!!!
PS first time i've uploaded a pic of myself besides the group pic from spring break (the trip).
PSS i just got 2 pairs of shoes!!! i've needed new ones for like a year and i finaly got them... well ordered them. they should come in 7-10 days. they look like this:

you gota love the clasic chucks!!!
chucks... what's a chuck? Is it anything like a cluck? Or maybe a duck... I love ducks!! God, am I tired!! lol luv, tman<3
Bloody hell!! (As they say in the UK...[ I think..])... That picture of you scared me awake!! You look like some creature from one my early favorite films starring Rod Taylor, a futuristic classic called 'The Time Machine'... As I recall, the creatures were called Morlocks and inhabited the dark caverns of the atomic- bombed earth in the future... Geezzz!!
The sneakers look identical to the Converse basketball sneaks I wore as a kid... They came in lots of colors in those days- black and white!! I can't remember when they started to produce red ones; I never wore any, but they did make them... I think I avoided the red ones, fearing that people would think that I was gay, or something... lol... Even back then!!
2 pairs of shorts for $15 ?????? Are you sure they're reusable?? lol I'd hate to find out that you got caught in the rain, and they melted off you, or something!! lol luv, tman<3
chucks are chuck taylors, or converses. haha yeah, i like clasic shoes. and thanks about my looking like an alien thing? wow, first pic of my alone and im getting insults haha. ill be fine if they melt off along with all the other guys who bought them ;) Peace!!!
Chuck Taylor?? Hmmm... Some kind of company merger, or is that a personality that I'm unaware of??
You do know that that a hood and blackened face, make you look bizarre, almost like a non person!! Actually, the 1st thing that came to mind was Abu Ghraib, only I didn't want to go there... Maybe if you stick another person's head over your's, for security, it would look less bizarre, even funny... Of course, if you had a Mac, that would probably be a piece of cake, but with a pc, God only knows how you'd accomplish that!! lol luv, tman<3 ;P
haah chuck taylor is that modle of shoe made by convers. haha yeah i was kidding about being offeneded. all im gona say about that is mac sucks =P Peace!!!
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