My Trip


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hey guys, sorry this wont be all of what happened. i have to go get coffe with Sara soon so this will only be the first 2 days.

so the first day i woke up at 5, got ready, and headed to the bus. i was freaken out the whole way. then i got there and kinda relaxed when i saw people i knew. the ride was long, and involved alot of sleeping. there were some cool movies playen, but i had my ipod in for most of the trip. i did watch office space and zoolander for the first time. they were hilarious. then fastforward to when i get there. it was probably around 4. we had an hour to unpack and get set up. we slept in a daycare room. the whole mission campus thing was a daycare in the summer.

so we get in, and its just a room with nothing in it. we found out there were matressis in the next room. most of them were stained (dont wana know what with) but i got a clean one =). then we had burgers for dinner. then we played cops and robbers until it was lights out. that night was the only one we went to sleep fast. the next morning we went to mass. the first mass was a methodist mass. it was a cool expirence. ill be honest though, im not racist by any means, but the church was all black. we were just a randome groop with 3 black kids, and 18 white kids. it was still cool though. really awkward becuase everyone there was into singing, and i guess white people just arent in the same way.

then we went to a catholic mass because it was Easter and we go to a catholic school. that mass was just a normal easter mass. it turns out that 3 people at that mass had nephiues that go to our school. after mass they had doughnuts (yum! krispy kream). then we went back for lunch. wasent much. then we changed out of our church cloths and got ready to go to the beach.

we got there, and i sat for maybe 10 minuets. i was boared, and everyone wanted me to go into the water, so i did. like i said, i kept my shirt on (thanks to whoever sugested that) and dident have swim shorts on, so i just went in with cargo pants. after we got boared of swimming, we played taps, then soccer, then foot ball. it was a lot of fun.

then we got home and played cops and robbers again, but it wasent that fun the 2nd time because not as many people wanted to play. then we stayed up talking. oh yeah, i forgot to tell you guys the teachers gave us mini easter baskets. they were cool. i got a mad libs in mine. Tman, mad libs are little storys with blanks in them, and it'll say somthing like noun, or adjective. then u fill in the blank with a noun for example. and it always turn out funny. i forgot, you play with 2 people and oneperson just says noun, the other person says a noun, and the first person fill the blank in. it sound confussing, but its fun and kinda simple, i just suck at explaining.

then we fell asleep. ill tell you guys the rest late ;P Peace!!!


Anonymous said...

So, you wore a shirt, huh?? lol Well, the important thing is that you found the courage to go into the water and just have some fun!! That's SO cool!! See, Dr. Tman sometimes knows what he's talking about... Well, OK... I DID say SOMETIMES!!!

2 church services in one day?? Wow, you must be close to sainthood, or something now!! I'll have to call the local bishop and put your name in for consideration!! lol Hey, you did get to see how other people worship!! I know what you mean about being part of a minority group in church, tho... I once attended a baptist wedding where I was one of about a half dozen white guests... The wedding was great, tho, and after feeling a little out of place, I was so warmly welcomed that I had a great time and made some nice friends... Sadly, tho, we live in different areas, and haven't shared the friendships much beyond that day...

So, you got your Easter baskets, too!! That's nice!! It sounds like they thought of everything!! Ah, and that explains the 'mad libs'... For a while, I thought you were forced to stand up in front of a group, and improvise... Brrr!! I never enjoyed that kind of thing, so I'm glad that didn't happen to you!! Luv, tman<3 nice post kid!! thanks!!

Spys89 said...

haha thanks Tman! idk if athiests can be saints =P. it was cool seeing different types of worship. Peace!

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