im officialy out?


Category :

ok, so i finaly worked up the courage to tell Sara. i basicaly told her i was gay, but still plan on marying a chick. she dident belive me at first, but i think she does now. she even asked me how i thought Patrick was. i told her i dont like straight guys, but i can see how she likes him. i now feel weird. like im glad i can finaly talk to somone in person about this, and im not too scared that shed ever tell anyone, but there always that fear if that makes sence. oh well, im to tired to think about this a whole lot. tommarow should be interesting. night (again) and Peace!!!


Anonymous said...

Good for you, kid!! Holy cow, that's a big step!! It makes me feel better that you have someone nearby that you can share your feelings with...And, it's perfectly understandable that you feel anxious, still, that you came out to someone... This is all new territory for you, and that makes it a bit nerve wracking, but, with time, you'll feel better about it...

Now, while I'm thrilled that you felt comfortable enough to do this, you MUST explain the whole idea about getting married to a 'chick' even tho you're gay... huh?? luv, tman<3

Spys89 said...

haha i already feel better about it =)
and i say chick alot. its almost like calling a guy dude. its just my vocab. and i've always wanted kids. its been almost like a dream of mine. and i'd be lying if i said that me adopting a kid with another guy wouldent put that kid at a disadvantage. i dont want to do that to anyone. so i say that because that the better of my 2 opptions. the other is to give up on my dream, which i may have to do to be happy.

A Wandering Pom said...

Hi there, Spys

Congratulations! A night's sleep after I first came out made me feel a lot better too.

A gay couple adopting a child can work out: have a look at green ectomorph, a blog from a gay man, legally married to another man, with an adopted son. I guess it depends a lot on where you live: some places are much more accepting than others. I think children can have far worse disadvantages than two gay parents: abusive and uncaring parents, for example.

Take care


Anonymous said...

Hey Mark!! welcome back!! I agree totally!! I've heard of and actually built for gay couples that have adopted kids or even had their own thru in vitro fertilization.... The kids seem quite happy, and pretty well adjusted... I say, 'pretty well' because of one couple (2 guys) that have a little boy that they adore, but don't seem to be able to say 'no' to... lol He can be a little overbearing when we get together for dinner, but, I guess there's a learning curve with just about everything in life, and that includes parenting!! The little boy DOES however, know that he's loved!! So, kid, there's NO reason to give up on your dream of having kids... Not today, anyways!! luv, tman<3

Spys89 said...

Glad your back Mark! how was your trip?
i do know it could be done, but there arent alot of towns by me that are excepting, atleast not yet. i like where i live and want to stay by it for a long time. who knows though, they could become excepting soon. only time will tell.

and your right, there are worst disadvantages, but i really couldent imagine if i was raised with 2 fathers, or mothers for that matter. i mean belive me, im no homophobe haha, but the way kids would mock me at a young age would be alot of pressure, and gay parents are not somthing you can hide like abuse.

Tman, i wont give up on my dreams =) but they may have to take a back seat until im older. i also wanted to be a young parent, but im prety sure that wont happen. ok i just got a good idea, ill post about my dreams =)

Peace guys!!!

A Wandering Pom said...

Hi there, Spys

The trip went well, thanks: an enjoyable day out with a couple of old friends, on a train running through some very pretty countryside, and visiting a couple of interesting and historic towns, medieval castles and all. The weather was great too: warm and sunny all day.

Take care


Anonymous said...

Times they are a-changing! I wish I could find the article about a recent study that showed that kids raised in same-sex homes are fine - well-adjusted, doing well at school, and not really having problems other than the usual growing up stuff. It was pretty definitive and a well done study. So you can be yourself (if gay is how you are), and still live your dreams.

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