Deadly Sins


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ok, so we were talking about the 7 deadly sins in religion. what ill do is ill list them, and tell you how they affect me. now keep in mind, im not religious, trying to change, or woried about sinning.

Pride- in arguing, i dont budge. even if i know im wrong, i will stand by my original statment till the end. this actoualy helps me alot more than it hurts

Anger- i have a quick tempor, and dont mind it.

Greed- i love money, what wrong with that?

Envy- this helps me improve myself. if i like the way somone else looks, ill try to look like him and improve myself

Lust- sex is good for your body. nuff said

these last 2 are the only bad ones in my eyes

Glutony- alright, i eat too much

Sloth- yes, im lazy

thats me =)

in other news, me and Sara are having a ball with this! i love it! its so nice to be a little bit more free. i cant wait to talk to her in person about this.

and sorry im not going to be able to talk tommarow. ill be at my dads. ill try to make a mobile post, or, if im luck, ill make an actoual post. idk

ok Peace!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so freakin' tired, I can't see straight... a long work day, and a birthday party with lasagna and a raspberry filling.... UHHHHH... I'm sooo stuffed, I'm ready to fall asleep!! I'll comment tomorrow night, and tell you how to make friends and influence people... lol... that reminds me of a book from like 30 years ago... what was it? .... Uh, maybe 'Looking out for Number 1'... Hmmm ... that #1 stuff went out the window way back then, huh?? How far we haven't come... lol luv, tman<3

Spys89 said...

haha sounds good Tman! and haha i guess we've come all the way back to where we were... if that makes any sence

Anonymous said...

well, where do I start... hmmm... Life, to me, is a question of balance... For centuries, people have understood this and various religions and cultures, have preached this- not to control people, but to empower people...Yin & Yang, etc...

So, when you speak of greed, anger, envy, lust... you are talking about things that will do nothing to achieve any balance in your life. For every force, there is an equal, and opposite force... that's the way of the universe... If you lust over money, you may get money, but you will pay another way. A guy like Trump, is noone to emulate, in my opinion... Look at his life- he's totally obsessed with money, to the exclusion of his family... Just ask Ivana!!

If you want to be loved in this life, you might want to reconsider your position on sex, as well... The physical pleasure of sex can be achieved independent of a relationship with another human... That is true, and you don't even go blind, like they said 60 years ago... lol But, the experience of love, requires another person, and frankly, it lasts much longer too!! So, never make the mistake of boiling down one of the most pleasurable things on this earth, into a mechanical function... You'd be the ultimate loser, if you believed such a thing!!

Envy, Oh my... Never could understand that... I guess I think too much of myself to lust over what someone else has... I can't imagine how that would make me a better person or a happier person, which is, after all, what makes me tick... Without happiness, or the challenge of achieving something new and better, well, life would be just too boring for me!!
Love you kid... tman<3

p.s. how could I have missed 'anger'?? What can I say; being angry just takes too much effort most times, and steals away the energy that helps me be happy... Why would I want that??

Spys89 said...

haha well Tman, i dont know if i really want love. at this point, it dosent seems nessisary. i mean it would be a plus, but not a deel breaker. idk i think my oppinions are asque. ill deffinatly think alot about this. Peace!!!

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