so my lucky fallowers, you guys get to see a sneek peak of my pictures before tumblr does! haha dont you feal special =P
let me know what you think
"Covenants, without the sword, are but words, and of no strength to scare a man at all" -Thomas Hobbes
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You have got a great eye, Spys. Nice stuff, good use of the camera's capabilities!
Peace <3
Beautiful sharp photos. That must be a really nice camera. Thanks for sharing.
Love the second shot. Sharp as a tack and great color. A good camera DOES make a difference.
Try some "people shots". You don't see much of that any more. Photojournalism died when LIFE magazine went under. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC is the only one left that puts a human element in its pictures. Some hints about people pics :
... Photograph outside or in a place that is totally open to the public.
... Show people in a way that causes no damage to them, or others around them - in other words, "in a good light".
... Do not accept any compensation ($$) from outside sources (like newspapers or advertisers) unless you first obtain a "model release" FROM YOUR SUBJECTS.
Your friends and teachers at school would be good subjects to start. You might even get a "position" at the school snoozepaper - maybe even join a camera club, if they have one. The camera club at my high school is what kept me from going nuts during my last three years there.
"BZ"............... "FOGGY" ................
P.S. - - AND, having a fancy schmancy camera hanging from your neck will give you an "elevated status" on the social ladder :) .
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