anti gay


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so i was in the car with my dad and we drove by an anti-gay marriage picket thing. it was on the side of the road. they were holding sighns saying "honk if your against gay marriage" or "honk if a marriage=1 man +1 woman"
all i heard were horns

my dad told me his views on that have changed sence he was a kid now that its become prevalent. he feels that as long as no one is showing excessive PDA, thats gays or straights, than its fine to be legally married. i feel the same way. i dont like it when i see two people hooking up on the side of the road, i dont care what sex either of you are!

im kinda pissed off now.

the funny thing is the protesters all had ashes on their heads. i wonder if any of them even knew what it stood for. ashes are an outward sighn of hope for eternal life. how wil you achieve that by bashing people?

if my dad wasent in the car, shit would have gona down, especialy if i was stoped at the light they were at the corner of. wouldent have been good for them

PEACE!!! (ironic haha)


Anonymous said...

Spys, you're right to be angry. And you don't have to come out to be vocally against the haters. It's good your dad feels the way he does, it will make it easier if you decide to come out to your family.

And I agree with the PDAs, seems there's been another post about that somewhere recently, oh yeah, A Gay College Guy in VA. I agree, get a room if you want to do more than hold hands or give a peck or hug hello or goodbye. Save the sucky face for your private time.

We get the Westboro Haters Club up here occasionally. People heckle them to no end. They bring their 9 to 11 year old kids. I can't imagine how those kids feel being put down like they are. But they're brainwashed. I feel so sorry for them.

Anyway, good post, glad you're learning about your dad, and glad you get angry about the clowns who just don't get it.

Peace to you, too, no matter how ironic that may seem, buddy! And <3!

Anonymous said...

Peter... Don't waste your energy on those fools! There will always be 'sheep' in this world, who are quick to condemn other people because that way they don't have to look closely at themselves...

They are wrong about that. In fact, some day, IMHO, there will be 'hell' to pay. And it won't have to be applied by anyone here on earth. Their ignorance will not protect them either... I think that many of them hide behind that notion, but by showing such a complete lack of understanding of Christ's message, and then compounding the sin, by doing these evil things in his name... Well, you see where I'm going with this.

Live your life with joy. Marginalize these people in your mind along with the other morons in this world. They represent only themselves, and are bound for the dustbin of history, where someday kids will look at them and wonder why...

BTW, your dad, in my opinion, knows that you're gay... ;P luv, U.T.<3

1q23 said...

Yeah OK but I'd rather see evidence of people loving each other than have to witness their public fights - and the number of times you see people sounding off at their kids (and worse)!

Can't say I like the 'honk if . . .' thing at all. I certainly wouldn't want to live nearby where anyone was doing that!

I also think that most people will be 'against' something if you ask the question that way but more will see it differently if you phrase the question in a kinder way. The wonders of opinion polls, eh?

Nice that your dad said admitted he'd changed his view. Oh and I wonder how often he and your mum stole off somewhere quiet just to 'make out' a little while they were courting and young lovers!

Incidentally by eighty-something year old aunt used to love to see people 'all over each other' in the woods near where she lived! Was she really a dirty old woman? ? ? (she used to be a school teacher btw!).

Rowan said...

The ashes on the heads... Catholics...
Not that im on a witch hunt or anything but i know cos my school conducted an Ash wednesday service that everyone had to attend.
Fortunately, the ashes weren't compulsory but yeh, i have no idea what anti-gay marriage has to do with Ash Wednesday but there you go.
Maybe they're getting frustrated with the Lenten promise and wanted to take some anger out :P

Luckily, i've never actually seen an anti-gay picket of any sort but i bet they exist around the place and i feel the same way you do, totally. I wouldn't have stayed quiet if i came across one by chance.

Good to hear your dad didn't honk tho. I can picture the situation with me and my dad, me nervously anticipating what he does but tbh i dunno what he really would do in the situation.
Still, good you and your dad share some similar views :)

Rowan <3

skippy's revenge said...

New poster, i'm gay and from the U.K
luckily we don't get too many of that here, no picket posting like that, I guess people have got better things to do with their time ( I mean seriously, taking time out to protest homosexuality, they must have a really small group of friends. " Hey Dave what you doing next weekend"
"Why i'm going out on a anit-gay protest"
"oh really?, Wouldn't you rather catch a film, or go out for a drink"
"All of that is a sin, only sinners do that"
"Right yeah, sorry, forgot, well um, how bout not that, well um... k, tell you what, I'll just do that whole get out of jail free card confession thing before I die and everything will be fine, anyway, have fun protesting,and stuff, hope it rains, bye."

But still, even over here it took me while to come out, if it ain't a religious thing, then it just gets replaced by a lads culture thing.
But once you do get out there and find the one for you, break up and find the different one for you and then try again, you realise it ain't that much different from being straight.
(And hey, at least there's no risk of early pregnancy :)).
Anyway, that's my tangent man, good blog you got going on here.

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