hey guys, so i need to tell yall bout my weekend, but i dont really have time for that and my car tonight so i figure i wont leave you with a cliff hanger and ill post bout my weekend later.
so my car... well it was raining out. there was a red light so, as the people infront of me, i stoped. well i guess the car behind me dident see me stop? or wasent paying attention? idk but the point is, he realized we stoped, slamed on his breaks, i hear the screach of him sliding into me, and he ramed me into the car infront of me. the truck (car behind) wasent that bad, and the car infront of me was barly scratched, but my car was the worste. i could barley drive it because the bumper was rubbing against my tire. i drove it to a friends, then had it towed to a body shop. oh and i got all the info from the other 2 guys on the scean, and 2 cops came, and we were all fine. my neck is a little soar from the whiplash (i assume) and my knee hurts because it hit my stearing wheel, but thats about it.
so thats my car =)
my pictures... ugh ill upload them sometime haha probably tomorrow but no promises! i have fun taking and edditing them, but uploading them is kinda a hastle.
$2500 damage, at least, with that cracked trunk lid, it could get over $3500 easily. You drive a Volvo, a good safe car. What's the front look like?
Get the neck and knee checked out. That way you can find an ambulance chasing lawyer between chases and sue somebody! HAHAHAHA
Again, glad you're ok, Spys. Wrecks are no fun, even when you're not at fault. At least this one wasn't your fault, so the insurance company can just fuss at the other driver's insurance company.
Peace <3
jay, haha yeah it wont be cheap. the front is just bowed at the sides. im not goin to get it checked out yet, but ill be aware of it, and if it gets worse, or dosent get better, ill go for sure.
Four Grand - easy !
Hey Peter... My first comment got deleted by the morons at Google... I'll try again... I sent you an email, so I hope you check that, but I hope you take Jay's advice and get checked out even if you feel OK at the moment- these types of injuries can re-surface in the future and if you need physical therapy or even a small procedure at that point, you'll be on your own, unless there's a medical record that the insurance company (the other guy's insurance company) has to deal with... If that record isn't in place, they'll deny that the accident had anything to do with your problems and you'll be out of luck!
I'm glad you feel OK right now, after the 'sandwich' you were made into, but please follow thru just to be safe... And, the car looks like it needs pretty expensive work done to repair it as well! What may not look like much to you, is probably closer to what Foggy thinks could be the damages than you might imagine!
Well, let's see if I can get this to post... luv, U.T.<3
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