so guys, im gona load some new pics here because Tman's right, not all of you have Tumblr's, or aleast ur not fallowing me hahaha
so nothing else knew has happened, so here ya go!
"Covenants, without the sword, are but words, and of no strength to scare a man at all" -Thomas Hobbes
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Nice eye, Spys! Love 'em, keep posting, please!
(And it's not that we don't want tumblr accounts, but it's just more to follow, and you have to have a separate account, etc.)
Peace <3
Ahhh... nice work, Peter! HEY!!!!!! What's with the cig????? Come on, now!! Be strong!! I took some pictures to post on my Tumblr, only there was one thing wrong or another, and I haven't really set the homepage up, yet... Maybe this weekend... Lord, where does the time go? I think I opened that account a week and a half ago!!
Well, I'll try, if I can find the time... And if my digital camera doesn't drive me nuts with those miniature buttons, designed more for my baby nephew!! lol love, U'T.<3
Jay, im glad you like them =) (and good point)
UT, thanks! and nothing ;P
im glad your using ur tumblr out too, ill check it out after this.
hey kid... why don't you post the link to your tumblr?? Maybe somewhere in your profile, or something... I checked out the other blog, but I was hoping to find the link to the tumblr page too... I'm sure I have it in my own link and bookmarked as well, but anyone else who's curious, will be out of luck, unless they go thru your posts to find it... luv, U.T.<3
hey, Peter... your tumblr isn't set up with a comment button! Not one I can see, anyways... I saw the <3 button, but nowhere that anyone can leave a written comment... I went back, and did a little work on my tumblr (it still has a long ways to go), and it's pretty easy to install the comment thing in the dashboard of the blog settings, so you might want to activate that, unless you just don't want comments. I'm not sure what I'll blog there- I did take a few pictures here last week of the snowbound area... Some of them are OK- nothing great, or anything, and the pictures I have of my family aren't likely to show up there... I don't want them circulating on the web, unless they're so old that it's not a privacy concern. Anyways, hope the weekend is good for you, and you're keeping busy! luv, U.T.<3
is the comment thing fixed? haha
hey, kid! Me again... lol maybe I'm just not seeing how to do it, but I still can't find a way to leave a comment at the tumblr blog. I don't know if your template choice allows for comments or your settings aren't right, but the only thing I can do over there is to <3 a picture, or reblog one... luv, U.T.<3
Hey Peter!! Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 17? Wow!! Good for you!! I hope the show is fun, and you have a great time on Friday!! Or, did I read that wrong? Hmmm... Well, either way, Happy 17th!! love, U.T.<3
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