BTW you will see a little cigar in these pictures. im smoking these cigars to "tame" my craving for cigs.
"Covenants, without the sword, are but words, and of no strength to scare a man at all" -Thomas Hobbes
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I like the pics. What's the address of your tumbri steve
Hi there, Spys
Photography is a good interest to get into: it makes you look at the world in ways that you didn't before, and enables you to show it to others in ways that make them think. It's also quite easy to get into, with digital cameras: no more waiting around for for films to be developed and printed.
One thought: could you put a few words with each picture, to explain what caught your eye or why you found it interesting?
I don't think blog-land hates tumblr; I don't, anyway. If it's a more convenient place to show your photographic work, then you should go ahead and use it.
Best of luck with developing your skills!
Well cool, Spys! Great stuff, good eye! I love taking pictures, made 1000's over the years. What kind of camera are you using? Please keep showing us your work.
Peace <3
Nice pics, Spys! :-)
I used to take a lot of pics until my 35mm SLR finally crapped out. :-(
Instead of spending $$$ on digital camera/lens, I've been upgrading my musical instrument collection.
BTW, have you tried one of those "vaporizer" cigarettes? They seem to work for some folks.
"WARPed" Andy
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