Siblings and Power


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this is a philosophical post. please enjoy =)

so i personaly think that the younger sibling wants to always be around there older sibling because of power. i think the younger wants to be the older at first, then surpas the older.

when your young, you see things like age, friends, and the ability to shut people out and preseve them as power. this seems not to stick in most people. i now look at power as things like money or fame, and im still young. i hope as an adoult my veiws will change again and ill be a little less greedy haha.

i always wanted to be around my sister when i was younger because she would always shut me out. she'd take her friend and go into her room to get away from me. also, whenever you see somthing your sister got, alot of parents would say, when your her age you will get one too.

by the way, im saying sister because i have a sister, im not sexist =P

i think that from this, if this is true, that we could derive that we as people have a natural thurst for power.



Anonymous said...

thirst for power, eh?? hmm... IDK... I know lots of people that are content to mosey along through life, barely rocking the boat, fearful that it will tip and send them in another direction... When you're a very young child, your survival is dependent on your ability to manipulate your care givers (to get fed, comforted, clothed for the warmth or cold, etc...). This ability is instinctive (inborn), and, eventually gets modified by the child, and his caregivers, as the child grows up... The kid may not want these dynamics to change- pretty natural... who wouldn't like to have everything done for him, his entire life... Well, don't count me in that group, but, I was always different! lol Anyways, if you call that the quest for power, then, I guess I agree.. But, once you become an adult, and start to experience the trappings of responsibility and desire, all bets are off-- these things are as formative as a slap on the butt, when a kid is heading for danger, and, ignoring his parent... You will probably modify your ideas about wealth and power, depending on the people that you love, and, the way that you see yourself in the world. There are different types of power that might actually be counterproductive to your happiness (some people NEVER figure this out), as the obsessive quest for money and everything material, at the expense of the people in your life that really are your key to happiness...
What you have noticed tho, Peter, is that there are different dynamics at play in a family, depending on your place within the hierarchy and your sex... I, for one, will always be the 'big brother' in the family. It is a role that was thrust upon me because of my status as first born boy, and, the fact that in my childhood, the oldest boy was expected to look out for the younger kids... You are a 'younger kid'... You would benefit by the 'ground breaking' and attention of your older sister, but, might be frustrated by the need to get out from under the shadow of your sister at the same time... For every person in a family there are benefits and challenges... Some take them in stride... others, have a more difficult time, but, one thing is certain-- we all grow up, and, at some point, we will become responsible for our own actions (hopefully)... That's when we will be called adults...Those that resist, and, look to others to solve their problems and take the blame, are doomed to a life of unhappiness... I think that doing something constructive with your life, and, taking responsibility for your successes AND failures, is, in the end, the mark of a man, and, a life well spent... luv, tman<3

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