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no, i havent started again. im not telling my therapist unless it becomes an issue again. i understand you guys think i should, but its not somthing i like to talk about, and i know he'd focus on that, and maybe tell my parents.

if you guys have any questions i havent answered, please feel free to leave a comment or even email me.




A Wandering Pom said...

Hi there, Spys

I've thought about this again. I can see why your therapist would be interested in someone self-harming. But, it looks to me as if it's a symptom of how stressed you are, rather than any of the things that are causing you to be stressed, which he is (or should be) really trying to work on. So, if you have it under control, I'm not sure that there's any particular need to tell him about it.

On the other hand, if things get so bad that you feel the need to start cutting again, PLEASE tell someone - your therapist, a friend, us here in blog-land - anyone, just to stop the stress building on itself to the point where you only have that outlet.



Spys89 said...

Mark, haha i like the conclusion of your first paragraph.

and if i do cut again, i will let you guys know atleast.

i gota be honest, its like an addiction. i really wana do it right now. im not going to, i know its a really bad habbit that will lead me to a bad place, but theres still that urge.


A Wandering Pom said...

Hi there, Spys


Many thanks for the explanation: I hadn't realised that cutting was addictive in that way. The impression I had was that it was a last resort of a mind stressed by forces beyond its control, saying "I can't control any of this bad stuff that is affecting me, but I can still control what I do with my body". But this is just based on a few comments from friends who used to do it, not any particular detailed knowledge.

Can you pin down any significant cause of stress that's making you feel like this at the moment? Or has the cutting now taken on a life of its own, so that you feel the urge to do it anyway?



Anonymous said...

don't worry, kid... everything is all right... Try to find your happiness in little bits and pieces. It tends to go further that way!! And, if things just get too tough, that's when you lean on a friend, or contact a helpful relative, like... oh, IDK... maybe an uncle, or something!! lol Stay safe; use your head!! luv, U.T.<3

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Hey, I just noticed the little message at the bottom of your post!! Now, I'm all smiles!! Thanks, kid!! I mean it!! I love you, too!! U.T.<3<3<3

Spys89 said...

Mark, thats true for some people. its a control thing. and for alot of people, it is just for that. for me, it relieved stress, probably because it did give me contol, i just never put 2 and 2 together. i think the reason it is addictive for me is because i dont know any other way to control my stress then to just bottle it up, and im fed up with bottling things up.

Tman, haha you can trust i have no hesitations about bothering my uncle with my stress =) haha ill let you know if it gets that bad. and im glad you noticed that!!! and im glad i can make somone smile!!!


Anonymous said...

my question is whether you would rather get that control and stress relief some other way - interacting with someone else instead of just urself?

and for whoever called this self-harm - i'm not sure this falls in the category of harm based on what I know about it

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