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i hate my computer! haha im having the worst time trying to fix it. i got the blue screen of death everytime i turn it on. its so frusterating! haha oh well it just a regestry error so i may be able to fix it, it will just take alot of time. plz be patient until i get back. ill try and blog from other computers and my phone, if its not being stupid haha.

so exams sucked! i mean i breezed through english, us history, and algebra 2, but bombed genetics, religion, and buisness/finance.

so now im on break! and my sisters coming home tonight! and im going on an adventure with my friends that may result in me gettin a pet turtle haha. dont ask =P

still havent told my theropist im gay... he was asking if i had a girlfriend and i was like nope. he was like im sure there girls at thoes bonfires you go to. i was like yup but there taken. then time was up. i think hes gona ask about it next time, and i might tell him. i mean i want to tell him, but im always overly cautious about telling guys. we'll see



Anonymous said...

Hey Spys,
Maybe you didn't bomb them as bad as you think, but well good on the others.

You sound excited about your sis coming in, that's great. I get to see mine Sunday and Monday for the family Christmas celebration.

Warning on the turtle - a defense mechanism is pissing - so be careful if you are literally trying to capture one! (Dont' ask how I know this.)

Maybe it is time you told the therapist, but have you solved the confidentiality issue?

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope you're still in the spirit!

Peace <3

Anonymous said...

Hey kid... sorry to hear about the computer problems... good thing I haven't run into that- I wouldn't know what to so...

Well, at least you have the time to deal with it, now that you're on the Christmas break... If you did your best on the exams, I'd forget about it for now and try to have a good time during the holiday. After you go back, you'll probably need to reassess and see why the weakness occurred in those subjects, and whether your busy schedule is causing problems with the studying... Life is a question of balance, Peter- in an effort to include something new, often we end up sacrificing something old... But, that can wait till later...Enjoy the family time and the holiday w/o agonizing over stuff that you can't do anything about right now, anyways.

So, your therapist is sniffing around, eh?? Well, I would be careful to make sure that this kind of revelation doesn't have an unintended 'kickback', but, you know, if you don't feel comfortable sharing that info with him, and feel like he'll cause problems with your mom, don't... I know that someone else reading this will probably say, 'Well then, what's the point of therapy?' Hey, I agree!! But, if a therapist can't guarantee your safety, he's not doing his job. Period. I can't imagine that this needs to be exposed to your family if you don't want it to be, especially at age 16, but, the world is still an unfair place for gay kids, so, be careful and make sure you're comfortable. Otherwise, screw it!

Lol... well, that's an odd way to end a comment, so, I'll add this- I wish you a most happy and Merry Christmas, Peter... It's been a tumultuous but interesting year, but, I'm glad we shared some of it!! :) I've seen you change from a scared little guy and mature, right in front of my eyes... I feel privileged to have been along for the ride!! love, U.T.<3

A Wandering Pom said...

Hi there, Spys

Sorry to hear about the computer. You may well find that you end up doing a complete re-install - but you probably know more about this than I do: I'm a programmer; I try to keep as far away as possible from systems support!

I hope the exams work out better than you think: just because you found them difficult doesn't necessarily mean you didn't say the things that you needed to in order to get the marks. In the meantime, there's not much you can do about them, so try not to worry about them.

Despite what you said, I have to ask: just what are you doing with your friends that might end up with you getting a pet turtle? I hope it comes with the tank or whatever you have to keep it in...

About your therapist: I seem to recall you saying that he would only tell your parents something if there was a risk of you harming yourself or someone else. Did I get that right? If so, there shouldn't be a problem with coming out to him. If you're still concerned, you could always ask him, "In what circumstances will you tell my parents things that I tell you?" It's in his professional interest for you to feel able to open up to him (otherwise how is he to do his job), so he needs to make you feel comfortable. Betraying your trust will simply defeat the object of the exercise.

Have a great holiday!

Take care


Jack xx said...


I think everything has already been said, but about your therapist:

Dont get too caught up on him being a guy, as he is a proffessional, but do check your confidentiallity clause.

If he can be trusted, then it would be a great way to talk to someone other than us bloggers (not that i'm complaining), but may help you a lot.

And good luck, all the best, Jack xx

WARPed said...

Hey Dude!!!

Have you tried hitting F8 when your BIOS boots up (DOES your BIOS boot up???)

That should take you to a troubleshooting menu where you might be able to select "Last Known Good Configuration" or something like that...

I've been running my computer like that for months!!!


-WARPed Andy

Spys89 said...

Jay, yeah i cant wait to see her. shes at my dads hangin with her friends now so ill see her at some point haha. bahaha we were gona buy one, but ill talk bout that in my next post (if i remember). the deal with my theropist, as Mark said, is as long as im not hurting myself, and no ones hurting me, its confodient. but the reason i dont wana tell him isent because i think hed tell my parents, its cuz i have somthing against telling obviously straight guys. thanks! i am! xmas music/specials all day!

Tman, thanks about the exams, i agree and will forget bout them till my last day of break hahaha. and ill talk bout my theropist in my next post too.

Mark, long time no see haha. yeah i figured it might come to that so i dug around for my disks yesterday and havent felt like messin with my computer yet. i never knew you were a programmer, that cool.
the turtle was kinda an inside joke hahah turtles seems chill so yeah.

Jack, i agree about my theropist. its just somthing that iv written off as not to do, tell a straight guy im gay, but i do think itd be good.

Andy, idk what a BIOS is, but im assuming its when your computers booting up? cuz i know about the f8 trick. if i could get it that far, id have no trouble putting it in safe mode then running registry error scans, but it never lets me get it into safe mode. oh well, we'll see


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