Me and Mama


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hey guys! wow feels like an eternity sence last time i posted. sorry about that. school just wheres so much out of me i have to take a nap, then i get up, eat, do homework, and sleep some more haha.

well dinner with my mom was weird tonight. i was anoyed with school, and my moms lack of inteligence just pissed me off. she has a habit of asking really dumb questions. she asked who was in my classes. well she know no one from my school. oh well, haha i have to live with her. i should be used to it by now =P

ill talk about school now. im in a learning disability program at my school, and we have our own teachers for it. they help us stay on track mostly. well the 2013 teacher (yes, the teacher stays with us for 4 years) left at the end of last year, so theres a new guy. i met him my first day back to school. hes a great guy. he graduated from my school in 04. hes about 23 or somthin. i talked to him for half an hour after my first day. we talked about alot of philosophy.

we talked about my faith, or lack there of. he said he knows where im coming from. i think i big portion of my athiesim is that i was forced into catholisim by my parents. he realized the same thing and went through a phase of athiesim. he said the reason he now believes in God is the univers has order. he explained that each galixy is set up fairly simularly. out galaxy have order, hence our ability to live. well he says that every thing that has order has a purpose. take a clock for example. it has obvious order, and an obvious purpose. well with that purpose, there was a creator. that creator makes order, and has a purpose in mind for that object. he said that sence we as humans have order, we have a purpose, and a creator.

it got me thinking. i dont believe it all, but im definatly thinking about it.

on another note, my friend, Megan, is trying to set me up with a guy. he's a year younger than me, bi, and has had a boy friend before. apparently he's seen my picture and thinks im cute. that makes me happy =)



Anonymous said...

It sure is good that your first day of school went well. A fellow blogger didn't have the same experience. If you've got a second, go check out Davie's blog: I'm sure he'd appreciate hearing from you, and your input will be valuable!

As to the atheism. I hear you. A former friend of mine decided after being forced into Catholicism that he was much more of a Deist ( and that's how I'm starting to think. God is there, but I don't think He is into intervening in an individual's life as much as keeping order over all. "Intelligent design" may have something to it; God ordered the world, but as individuals, we have freewill, given to us by God, and that helps explain some of the bad stuff out there.
Thanks for the philosophical post! Keep up the good work! (And good luck with the guy!)

Spys89 said...

hey i actoualy just found his blog haha.

and its funny you say that, because our country was founded by a lot of diests.


Anonymous said...

Smart guy! Yes, it was Thomas Jefferson, lots of others!


Anonymous said...

hey sweetheart!! lol where you been chippy?? I've been resisting the urge to barrage you with emails, because I know my chipmunk is growing up, and, terrorizing... oops!!!... I mean, driving now!! lol
So, mom is being inquisitive??!! Good for you!! That's what good moms do!! Hey, I know it seems stupid, and all, asking that kind of question, when you don't know the characters in the 'play', kid, but, that's what moms call 'small talk'... lol... it doesn't have to be logical, or, sensible!! Just the fact that she asked is... well... nice!!
23, huh?? hmm... you DO like them older, eh?? lol just kidding, Peter!! It's nice that you have the ear of a fellow philosopher!!
And, you're talking about creation, eh?? lol I already like the guy!! :P

Well, It's nice to see a post here... I won't feel so lonely, visiting here, every day, talking to myself, like some recluse.... lol love, U.T.<3<3<3

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Peter, for the kindness in going to Davie's blog... he really needs support right now, and, I know he'll be smiling tomorrow, to see his followers increase so much, at such a difficult time in his life!! I love you!! U.T.<3

Spys89 said...

Tman, haha sorry! been at my dads. not much time to blog between naps =P so i guess i am a chipmunk =)

haha i guess so, its just anoying =/

haha to be honest, he dosent look bad, but hes a teacher.

haha i hope i could be a part of the reason for his smile =)


A Wandering Pom said...

Hi there, Spys

Your new teacher sounds like an interesting guy; I'm glad you've got someone to discuss philosophy with in real life. It's great that he's getting you thinking.

I have to say, though, that I disagree with his logic. I don't think that you can say that, just because manmade objects, such as clocks, have order and therefore purpose, that the same must be true of other things, like galaxies or human beings.

I hope things go well with Megan's bi friend. At the very least, I think it would be good for you to have a "non-straight" friend to talk to in real life, and maybe he can be much more than that.



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