So... A guy knows


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yeah... so i was talking to Sara when i went to the mall with her last night. she has been asking me if she could tell Patrick im gay. i finaly said sure. she told him and he said somthing like i never would have guessed he was gay. i guess thats good? haha

bout to go back to school... LAME! haha. oh well, it happens. i think ill get back into the habit of blogging when i get home from school. that'll be good. sorry i havent had much to say in a while. thanks for staying in my absence!


School... ewww


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yeah, i got school today. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! with a side of yuck! hold the blah!

so i dont actually have school today. im helping with the freshmen orientation thing. my school actually starts the 31st. but still! this is a sign my summers over! noooooooo!

ill let you guys know if i live.

PS i almost ran into a curb yesterday while staring at a guy. good thing i wasent that add when i took my drivers test.




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so this is my 200th POST!!!!!!!!! haha wow and 25 followers. i love semitry, or numbers.

so just finished theropy. it was good. got alot out. mostly about my family. dident come out to him yet, but u think thats comming. im definatly trusting him more.

well sorry this was a lame 200th post.


So much to talk about...


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oh God... i have SO much to talk about... and i have no idea where to start! haha

so i have another meeting with the theropist today. should be good. i think i wana tell him alot, but i doubt i actoualy will. atleast i want to though. i think thats a good sighn. i think it means im opening up to him. my problem now is do i actoualy want to tell him, or do i just want to tell sombody, and he's the only one that will listen. oh well, we'll see how it goes.

wow thats the only thing i can think to talk about right now... maybe i dont really have that much to talk about hahahaha


Siblings and Power


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this is a philosophical post. please enjoy =)

so i personaly think that the younger sibling wants to always be around there older sibling because of power. i think the younger wants to be the older at first, then surpas the older.

when your young, you see things like age, friends, and the ability to shut people out and preseve them as power. this seems not to stick in most people. i now look at power as things like money or fame, and im still young. i hope as an adoult my veiws will change again and ill be a little less greedy haha.

i always wanted to be around my sister when i was younger because she would always shut me out. she'd take her friend and go into her room to get away from me. also, whenever you see somthing your sister got, alot of parents would say, when your her age you will get one too.

by the way, im saying sister because i have a sister, im not sexist =P

i think that from this, if this is true, that we could derive that we as people have a natural thurst for power.




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hey guys, im sorry its been so long. i really wanted to make this a daily thing, but i hate how slow my computer is, and it makes me dread even starting it up. hopefully i will get my laptop fixed before school and then ill blog alot more. also, i really wana get back to ALL of you guys emails and comments. i plan to do so soon, but i figured this post was more important =P

so yes! i got my licens!!! well theres alot more to the story.

so i had to drive like 2 and a half hours to get to this place, because it was the only one that had an oppening soon. well we get like within 15 minuets of this place, and i see the damned flashing lights. yes, i got pulled over. im laughing because of the irony, my dads just quiet. i was going 86 in a 65! damn i was goin fast haha. dident even realize it.

well, i go, take my test, pass with close to flying colors. i guess practice does help haha. everynight i practiced parellel parking and finaly got the hang of it.

well after that, we saw my mom and sister on our way back. just so happens we were coming back the way they were leaving. my sister left for college today, so that why we saw her. it wasent planed or anything. actoualy, if we fallowed the plan, we shouldent have seen them, but my sistergps led them astrey haha.

ok, i gota go to my dads now. hope to get back to all of you soon!

just passed!!! thanks for the wishes of luck haha. first place im goin is 7/11 for a slerpy!
guys, i have so much to talk about, and i really wana blog about it all, but im just not in the mood right now. i hope you guys understand. ill be back soon.
just failed my test... bummer

Im sitll here!


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hey guys, im still alive! sorry its been so long! iv just been getting migrains again and when im not with my friends im asleep haha. the girl i talked about before asked me out... told her i was grounded. ill cover that later. i kinda gota go now, but wish me luck on my drivers test tomorrow!!!!!!

hey guys, sorry its been a while. iv been working. when i blog next, i have alot to talk about (concert, philosophies, ect.) hope to post soon.

Off Early


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hey guys, i got off work early today. there were no cars trying to get into my lot, so i told the dispatcher and she said we could all just come in. yay me!

sorry its been so long. for some reason i've been really tired lately and the last thing i wana do is get on the computer. i just like vegin out on the couch and watchen TV.

i have my 2nd theropy appointment today. im excited and scared at the same time. i hope to tell him im gay. idk if i want to, but itd probably be better to get it out into the open early.

im going to a concert tomorrow with Peter, and after we might go to a party at Patricks place. its gona be an amazing day. im so pumped.

so nothing has really happened in my life. it just boaring.

i think all and all lifes goin prety good. i dont want summer to end though!!!

oh, im getting my drivers licens in less than a week!!! that is if i pass haha.

ok, im gona go now. i think i exceeded the 20 minuet rule for library computers.




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no, i havent started again. im not telling my therapist unless it becomes an issue again. i understand you guys think i should, but its not somthing i like to talk about, and i know he'd focus on that, and maybe tell my parents.

if you guys have any questions i havent answered, please feel free to leave a comment or even email me.



Girl problems


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ok, so this girl i work with, i think i mentioned her in the last post, who is my bosses doughter, likes me. she was talking to my sister and saying things like
"my parents wont let me date anyone more than 2 years older than me, but i think theyd be ok with your brother" (she thought i was 17)


"i think if a friend asked me out, i'd say yes"

and she texted me after work and asked if i was working tomorrow. i said no, and she said i should text her if im board tomorrow.


if she askes me out, and i say no, her dad (my BOSS) would hate me. and things at work would be awkward as hell.

if i say yes, im just playing her, id feel bad, id be a bad influence, and her dad could still hate me.

ill just try to ignore her until school starts back up and then im home free. i think she will work at this job again next year, but im hoping ill find another job.

oh yeah, im a parking attendent. i dont think i ever told you guys that haha


im here!


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ok, so im still here! haha sorry its been so long. so i think im finaly close to catching up on all of my sleep. im not gona make this too long of a post, i wana make sure i have things to catch you up on later. so yes, this will catch you guys up some, but not close to all the way.

so the night i snuck out. what can i say? im a kid. haha its almost my nature. and technocaly, i dident sneek out. i told my mom i might go see Sara when she gets back from the concert she was going to. and when i got home from Emily's, my mom was already asleep.

oh! Emily's! so i was put putting with Emily and a girl named Beth. i've always been a family friend of Beth. well when we finished put put, we went to a coffee shop. thats when both Emily and i had to tell her our secrets. Emily's is that shes not a virgin, and mine is that im gay. i couldent tell her myself, so i asked Emily to say it for me. she reacted normaly. she said shes fine with it. no biggy. well, later i learned that Beth had a crush on me. AWKWARD! haha

yeah, apparently im flirty with every girl? like my sister informed me im flirting with my bosses doughter? ok, so im prety sure i have social issues, because i dont even know how to flirt. im just messin around with her, like teasing her and stuff. never knew that was flirting.

ok so back to the story! got home, and walked a mile at 12:30 (curfew is like 12 or 11). i got there, passing like 3 parties, and it was only Sara and another girl, Jess. Jess just got dumped, and was being really bitchey. we were waiting outside for 20 minuets for Patrick and some of his friends. they actoualy walked to another county in search for one of there friends who was walking down to us. never saw them, so we went into Jess' house. then her mom walkes down, staired at me for a good 15 secounds, waves, and walkes back upstairs. again, AWKWARD! hahaha then Jess' dad texted her and told her i had 5 minuets to get out of his house... it was raining outside. i walked a mile home, in the rain, and sketched out because i got a text saying Patrick was picked up by the cops. i got home safe, and Patrick got a free ride home, and had to wake his parents up so they could talk to the cop. he dident really get in any trouble though. he texted me the next day. i asked if he was in trouble. he said he might be grounded, but then he's just sneek out some more... so... yeah.

well that was the sneek out story.

works goin well. it sucks, but atleast im gettin paid. ok, im gona get off the comp now.

Peace!!! ill answer emails eather right now, or later haha. oh and one more thing. i think im haning out with Peter tonight.
hey guys! i am alive. im sorry for not posting, iv just been pooped. i promis ill post soon. thanks for the pasience!