hey guys, that ^ was a drawing i did when i was boared. i suck at drawing, but i still do it. if you can read it, it says sublime. there kinda a kick ass band haha
now on to a more serious topic, racism. alright, what i say is not ment to be racist, and hopefuly it wont be perceived as such. please dont judge anyone in this story =)
ok, so i grew up, and still live (sometimes), in a very rural town. there are farms, cows, and a bunch of nothing. our mall only has like 2 good stores and a movie theater. the whole town was white except for one black family, who i never associated with because there kids were much older, and they dident live near me. i never really saw them, but they were known as the one and only black family.
the big city is an hour and a half away. i used to go up there maybe twice a year. thoes were the only time i would ever see black people.
the first time i ever talked to a black person was when i was at a 4h camp. i was never into 4h, but you dident really have to be. i think i was in 4th grade. there was a black boy there. i dident talk to him, but i was standing in line to get into the pool. he was infront of me. out of no where, he turns around and says "hey, your really really fat." i almost cried. there was a counselor who i knew there, and she took the kid away and then asked if i was ok. i said yes because i really dont like attention.
up until 7th grade, that was the only thing i knew about black people, there mean and will call you names. ever time i saw a black person, i would get away from them, and never talked to them. in my school (7th grade) there was a new black family. they had a daughter who was a year above me. i never talked to her. that did, however, make me a little less tense about black people.
then, when i got high school, which was in the big city i mentioned earlier, a third of the school was black. imagine the shock when i got there. i did quickly get over my racism and made alot of black friends, along with white, asian, and hispanic friends. there all still friends, and are very rarely mean like i used to think.
looking back, i see how off my views were, but i never really realized i was racist. i think i still am in a way. i cant get the thought of that one kid calling me fat out of my head. i hate it.
now when i say i think im still racist, believe me, i by no means hate any race, but i defiantly do favor mine. like if we were picking teams, and there were 2 people left, both equal, but one was black and one was white, i would pick the white guy. i think thats still a comfort thing though.
at my school, we have what some kids refer to as little africa, which is where all the black kids sit at lunch, not because they have to sit there, but because they just do. now dont get me wrong, of course there are some white kids who sit with them, but not many, and there are some black kids who sit with the white kids, but again, not many. i would feel weird sitting with the black kids, which i guess is really how i feel racist. i would feel like i would get judged by them, and i wouldn't have a whole lot in common. i mean the black friends i have, we have a little in common, but not much.
ok, thats really all. Peace!!!
Hey spy89 i read your story with interest. When I read your post I thought about this video. This video is for you Spy89:
hey thanks for thinking of me Andy, but the video is blocked it says, and somthing about copy write laws
Hey kid... Racism is a loaded word... It implies a deap-seated and judgemental dislike of another race... What you experienced as a child at that pool, made you feel bad, and would have caused any kid to make the leap to judge the mean kid by his looks, since you had no prior experience to rely on... As a child, I knew nothing about black people, except that they were in Tarzan movies that I loved to watch... So, the 1st black guy I saw in real life (I was 7 or 8 years old), was at a lake that I summered at, and he was fishing in a rowboat with his buddy. I turned to my Dad and said, "What are the natives doing here?"
That, brought all kinds of laughter, to my amazement!! I mean, I was reacting with the very limited information that I had, and it happened to be a movie experience... I was not expressing a like or dislike, I simply had no reason to.... Kids are like that, for the most part- they judge, based on experience or what other adults tell them... And, herein lies the problem, if there ever is one...
Turns out, most of my Mom's family had little experience to go on too, but started to judge different races out of fear... Something different, and maybe threatening... Can't put a finger on it... All that crap. I grew up around that, but saw through the fog of illogic at an early age... I also grew up in a generation that eventually had more information to work with, too... So, I'm much more 'liberal' (as they call it), than their generation... Still, I don't have any black friends that are close... So, I understand what you mean about your comfort zone... I think that we all like to be around people that have similar experiences and things that we can relate to. That becomes difficult for gay people, as well as any minority, because we are different... Why do you think some people hate gays for no apparent reason?? What is different to some, is threatening...
I have tried, as an adult, to keep an open mind about other people, and to never judge a man, except by his actions... It's the way my faith demands, but it is also the fair way and the way that I want to be judged... After all, we are, none of us, the same!! luv, tman<3
hey Tman, it always feels good to be reassured that im not racist (or at least i think thats what you meant)thanks =) Peace!
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