wow school pissed bout out messy bathrooms. apparentaly "we aim to please, and your aim would please us"


A Wandering Pom said...

Hi there Spys

Seen at a swimming pool:

Please don't pee in our pool - we don't swim in your toilet!

Slightly disturbing image...

Hope you're having a good day.

Take care


Spys89 said...

haha thanks Mark! peace =)!!!

Anonymous said...

how about...' flush twice, it's a long way to the cafeteria!! ' EWWW!! lol that was on the bathroom stall with all kinds of great graffiti at the Air Force Academy... I used to go to that one bathroom to be entertained when I had enough time to um, sit and It was amazing, actually, some of the text that was inscribed on those walls- real deep thinkers went there to trade their philosophical thoughts... I'm not kidding!! The crude stuff was actually quite rare, tho still funny in a way, but I'll bet you could have turned all of it into a really cool book... I only wish I had thought of it at the time!!! lol luv,tman<3

Spys89 said...

haha that sounds like a prety cool bathroom Tman. haha wish i could go there to um... sit and read too?

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