hopefuly blogger will show it, but thats the same pic of my drum. as Mark requested, ill tell you about them. each of the cymabls make different sounds/pitches. the one on the far right (idk if you can see it) is called a highhat. its really 2 cymbals, one on the bottom facing up, and you use a pedal to control how far apart the cymbals are. that is really the main cymbal(s) i use. then, i have 2 crash cymbals. 2 16' and one 18' (or is is "... whichever one is inch). then i have a small cymbal in the middle, which is my 10' splash. last is my ride. its the big 20' one on the left.
then there are the different drums. the main on with the black head is my bass drum. you play this with a pedal. next are the two tom toms on the rack. one is a 12' and the other is a 14'. they just play different pitches. then is the floor tom. its the one on the left which is on the ground. my last drum is my black snair, which i dont know if you can see. its between my highhats and my bass. its really the main drum i use. ok i gtg. Peace!!!
cool!! It's all coming back... I haven't heard those terms for many moons...For a minute, tho, I thought I was seeing double!! Thanks for the explanation, kid! I hope you're having a great day!! Raining here... I actually spotted a pair of mallards on the front lawn, in the corner... It seems that I can now brag about my lakeside home!! With all the rain, I have now inherited a rather large pond, that the ducks must think is permanent... I hope they don't know something that I don't!!! lol luv,tman<3
Hi there, Spys
Many thanks for all the information. I'm not sure how you keep track of it all, but I guess it's second nature once you're used to it.
Anyway, I think I'm about to fall asleep here (12.10am); I'll come back to this tomorrow.
Take care
Tman, haha yeah, i used to play with only the larger of the rack tom tom's, but then i realized that i would need the other one too. haha its funny that you say that, because A) it was just raining here, and B) i live right infront of a pond and there are always geese there. maybe ill post a picture sometime.
Mark, haha it really has become secound nature. have a nice sleep!
oh! and in case you guys were wondering, i do have a pillow in my bass drum. i know it sounds weird, but i do that to muffle it inside my house. so if you guys saw the white thing sticking out the hole in the bottom right of the bass drum, that my pillow =)i gtg to school now. Peace!!!
AHHH!!! I thought it might have been the goose!! lol luv, tman<3
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