ok, so this will be a bit of a downer of a post, and maybe some people will stop following. if you are easily offended, please please please dont read!!! ye have been warned =)
ok, so i believe that every acton a person makes is selfish. no matter what it is, it all benefits (or we think it will benefit) us in some way. some people give to the poor because they like the way they feel after it. of course theres and added bonus of helping people out, but thats not the main purpose. or people will jump infront of a car, because there name will be better in the end, or if they live, they will be a hero. i gota go now but im open for a debate =) if it gets too out of hand, ill move it to an email. thanks! peace!!! =)
And So It Goes (2014)
9 years ago
Hi there, Spys
Thanks for the warning. I'm not offended, and I trust that you won't be offended if I disagree with you.
I can see your point, and I agree in part. For example, I'm here responding to your post becuase I enjoy the intellectual activity and get an emotional buzz from the interaction. But, I'm also here because I think it's a benefit to you to have someone to talk to and to stretch your mental muscles with. Similarly with quite a few other blogs that I follow: I think that my presence and comments may be of some help to the blogger, and, in turn, it makes me happier to know that I have made others happier.
More generally, I agree a lot of people do good things for others because it makes them feel good about themselves. But I'm sure there are a lot of cases where the notion of personal benefit from a good action doesn't arise, for example because there isn't time to think about it. You see someone in danger: you don't stop to think, you just reach out and grab them. People willingly sacrifice their own lives to save others: I'm sure that this is because they think it's the right thing to do, not because they expect to have a better reputation. Maybe, in some cases, they hope to redeem themselves for some past wrong that they have done, but I think that's different from a purely selfish view their life.
So, over to you!
Take care
that's what makes us human, kid!! Without social contact, and physical contact, we get crazier and crazier until we turn into babbling idiots!!
Of course, I'm exaggerating a bit, just to have some fun with you, but there is a kernel of truth to it...
Let me give you something else to ponder, just for the heck of it... Did you ever wonder why some seemingly compassionate people, become 'ambulance chasers?' Do you know what I mean? You've seen it, I'm sure... Someone that just has to slow down at the scene of a terrible car crash and gawk...
These things are part of the human condition, and trying to neatly bundle everything into one convenient category, just doesn't work...
People do things for ALL kinds of reasons... I noticed that you commented today that you didn't know that I had a brother and nephews, and I was a bit startled... I really shouldn't assume that just because a lot of my motivation for trying to help kids out here, revolves around my personal story, that you should know that story...I guess because you visited my blog, I thought you took the time to read about my life a bit... My mistake is the assumption that everyone is as curious as me!!
I spend a lot of time out here, discussing the things that molded me as a child, and also my decision at an early age (my confirmation @ age 13) to take very seriously my vows as a Christian soldier... I guess that may seem silly or even crazy to some... I imagine that most kids that were confirmed in the Catholic church, don't even recall the vows that they took!!
I am not, nor have I ever been, most people!!
When I decide to commit to something in life, especially in matters of faith, I do not waver... I am an imperfect man, but I believe firmly that I am on this earth for a special reason, and when I screw up (and I do, quite often!), I have a responsibility to my oath to redeem myself and move foward...
Life, kid, can vanish in the blink of an eye... I want to be remembered as a compassionate, caring, loving guy, that leaves this place a little better than he found it, for my 5 Godchildren, my dear friends, and the young kids that are struggling every day, the way that I did... well, it seems like yesterday...
So, if you think that's selfish, I'm achieving little out here... I try the best I can to live the life that I am gifted with... I ask for nothing in return, just your open mind, and I hope that some love that I provide will make a difference, and that I can alter the continuum just a hair, and I will have lived my life for a reason...
Someday, young guy, I'll tell you the reason why I have this faith... I have told it once before, but I guess that was before I met you!! It's getting late here now, so I'll have to sign off, but I hope you feel the hugs I'm sending your way, and it helps you to have a great Sunday!!! luv, tman<3
hey Mark, i am never offended haha. i see where your coming from but is it far to think that subconciously, our mind knows what will benefit us , and noth others? just a thought.
Tman, i also see where your coming from. could i have found the one bondle that every person fits into? also, please dont ponder on this for too long. i do not mean to say that you are selfish, unless everyone else is too. i really appreciate your comments, and Pom's as well. also, i hope i havent offended you by not doing my reading. when i started to follow you, i thought i would have my laptop soon. i still dont have it. i like to read on the laptop because the moniter i have here sucks and gives me headaches. so just know, one day i will read =)
ok, well im gona go. im sure i havent coverd all the points you tow thought i would. dont be afraid to bring them back up =)
Hi there, Spys
I think the subconscious is concerned with what will benefit the individual, but I think it's also fairly low-level stuff. In descending order of priority, I would guess: staying alive, avoiding pain, satisfying physical needs (water, food, etc.), seeking comfort and physical pleasure. I'm not sure that the subsconscious would deal with anything as abstract as reputation or expectation of future benefits. But, brains and minds are complicated things, and there's a lot we still don't understand about how they work.
One thing to think about: in your next post you talk about your neighbour Andrew, and say, "for somereason i always feel good mentouring kids". Why do you think you feel good? What do you get out of it?
Take care
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