late night, not much done


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ok, so right after i got home from dinner with my sister and mom, i came home and checked my facebook. then Andrew (cute neighbor [13]) messaged me. told me to come over, so i did haha. his parents were gone, but we dident do anything. played airsoft inside for a little (i shot his ass haha) then monopoly for 5 minuets before realizing that that game sucks for 2 kids who are very impacient haha. well not much really happened. we just talked. i preped him for highschool next year a little. haha for somereason i always feel good mentouring kids. maybe ill start coaching next year. sorry back to the boaring story. wait... its prety much over. then at 12 30 i came home. now im here haha.

well today i got new highhats for my drum set. one day ill take a pic of it so you guys can see (if your interested). i really want to start puting pictures to my blog, but im a little scared with the whole copywright thing that ill get in trouble. oh well. you guys will just have to put up haha

ok im goen to bed because its 1 and im tiered. night! peace!!!

Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently.

sorry i figured this quote would fit the bored mood, but it kind brought it down. my b! haha


Anonymous said...

yeah kid, you don't talk about your drums that much... Do you play in any kind of band, and did you learn your skills with lessons or are you self-taught??

I spent my childhood in music perfecting my skills on the clarinet and alto sax- Pop was a music teacher, early on, and that was his true love... He took up carpentry with his brother, to feed the family. He just never made enough teaching privately, or playing gigs like weddings during those years... So, he desperately wanted me to share his love for music, and pushed me for many years to play these instruments that I learned to distain... lol No kid wants to disappoint his parents... Sound familiar??
My first choice would have been to play the guitar, my second would have been the trumpet... but, I got real good (technically) on the clarinet, fair on the sax, and played through to college in orchestra, pop band, etc. until one day when I was now at the Air Force Academy, I found myself heading to audition for the Academy orchestra, still the dutiful son, and I stopped outside the door to the music dept. and I had one of those magical moments in my life!! Here I was, dressed in the cadet uniform, a year into my service, and I was still doing all these things so that I wouldn't disappoint my father, who had told me how evil 'homos' were, whenever the subject came up!!
I took my hand off the door knob, and pivoted (we had to walk in certain ways as underclassmen lol) and marched back to my dorm room... I never played that clarinet again....

It was more symbolic than anything, but, it was my first act of resistance to the bigotry that I found as a child, even in my own family!!

Holy cow!! How did I end up talking about that, when I just wanted to ask you about your music?? GEEEZZ!! Sorry, kid!! lolol!! I guess these things really become part of everything we do in life, sadly, as young gay men... I hope you have an easier time in your life kid... It really shouldn't be necessary to live your whole life, fighting for the equality that was actually gifted by God, at birth!!!

I'm glad you got a kick out of my Easter story; I still laugh about it whenever I think about it!! You know, I caught that ham like any good wide receiver; I always had catlike reflexes- I had to, to live in a tiny house with 7 kids, 4 cats and the crazy things that happened daily!! I really enjoy your thoughtful blog, kid!! luv, tman<3

Spys89 said...

Hey Tman! haha yeah i played in my school band from 5th grade till 8th. i only played the snare drum back then, but everyone told me i was the best out of the 5 drummers. my music teacher told me it was a shame when i told her i wouldent be in my highschools band. then i played in a garage band, and i never had lessons. i got the boot when they found somone better. i really dident care, they were going no where, and i dident even like to play punk (the music they all liked). im more of a ska person. after they kicked me out, i started taking lessons (probably 6 months ago) and am really enjoying it. im not amazing, but im having fun.

its cool that you were broght up with music too. my mom always pushed the piano on me. it was ok, but there werent alot of cool bands with peanist in them, so when my piano teacher died, i told my mom not to look for another teacher. the funny thing is, piano has really helped me. it tought me to read music, and to keep a beat.

that cool that it just dawned on you that you dident need to keep your dads love of music alive. haha maybe you picked the wrong career, you should have gone into the NFL! haha.

im really glad you enjoy my blog. that really means alot. never thought anyone would. Thanks!!!


Anonymous said...

hey kid.... they do make footballs out of pigskin... At least, they used to!! I never thought of it, but, you know, after catching that ham, I should have!!!! lololol!!! luv, tman<3

Spys89 said...

haha! good point!!! Peace!

A Wandering Pom said...

Hi there, Spys

You're right about Monopoly: it doesn't work well with only two players, and it's a very slow game anyway.

I would guess Andrew looks up to you a lot: there probably aren't many 16-year-olds who want to hang out with 13-year-olds, and try to help them understand what's going to happen next. I think it's great that you want to do this. If you do coaching next year, what would that involve?

I'd certainly be interested to see your drum set.

On copyright generally: if it's a picture that you've taken yourself, or one that someone has given you permission for, there's no problem posting it. If it's someone else's picture, and they haven't given you permission, then strictly you shouldn't post it. But the approach these days seems to be that it will be OK if you take pictures down if the copyright owner asks you to.

I think the quote is meant humorously, but there is also quite a lot of truth in it. That said, you could put nearly any adjective in the place of "unhappy" and it would still be true - philosophy alone doesn't often change the way we feel about the world, it just helps us understand it better.

I'm enjoying your blog too - please keep at it.

Take care


Spys89 said...

hey thanks Mark. coaching would involve me spending 2 nights a week, and one day a weekend helping kids learn a sport. id probably coach Lacorsse. ill post about that later if you dont now about it. i hope Andrew looks up to me. to be honest, i like hanging out with him. its fun haha. btw i posted a pic of my drum on my newest post. i agree with what you said about the quote.

and it means alot that you enjoy my blog. i hope to keep it up for a long while. Peace!

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