alright, so that my drums ^ if it works haha. first picture on my blog yay haha. sorry the picture kind sucks, but i used my phone so... yah haha. damn, that was a quick weekend. i was suposed to hang out with a kid (Bramdon [posted bout him but forget why haha]) somtime this weekend, but that never happened. we were gona smoke, and have a chill night, but that never happened. oh well, theres always 2 weeks from now haha.
i HATE driving with my mom. she sucks at driving, and trys to corect me. first, she drive very concideratly, even if she has the right of way. its pisses me off. its people like her who cause accidents. i was going straight, and there was a person on my left, trying to take a left. my mom wanted me to stop for her, no stopsighn for me. i was like nope, and sped up haha. and apparently going 10 MPH around a turn is too fast. i know she's my mom, but as long as im following all the laws, why do i need to change?

also, i was in starbuck's bathroom. they had a sighn telling you how to wash your hands. shouldent you know that? i mean dont most people learn that before they go into the bathroom by themself? it seems to me that America is getting stupid right infront of me.
ok, dont forget to vote in the polls! =) thanks! Peace!!!
WOW!!! Way cool set, kid!! The picture's not bad, I can see the set, just fine!! Do you play a lot? I know you're taking lessons and all, but why not join a band, even if it is at school? You did say that you were learning to read....
OMG!! You're driving?? ERRRRRR!!!! lol just kidding!! You should have seen my Mom when I first started to drive... She wouldn't even sit in the front seat!! She was certainly full of advice tho!! A typical (and literal) back seat driver!! lol Then, when I got my '67 Firebird 400, she refused to get in the car until 2 years after I had bought it and she really needed a ride somewhere!! (She never learned to drive...)
I know what you mean about overly careful drivers... To me, they're indecisive, and they do cause accidents.... Of course, there is the other extreme too- the ones that drive like they're on a private race track, weaving in and out of traffic, endangering everyone on the road....
Why can't everyone drive like me?? lol :))))
Oh, on the dumbing down of America front... that started long before you were born, and is partly due to all the lawsuits out there, that make places like Starbucks post nonsense like that, mostly to cover their asses when one of their filthy employees poisons you after using the bathroom and NOT washing his hands.... All they have to say, then, is "We posted the proper technique, but he didn't follow the instructions... we're not responsible for that!"
Ahh! What a crazy world we live in!! lol luv, tman<3 hugs2
PS - the pictures make a BIG difference!! nice job, kid!!
Hey Tman. haha glad the picture turned out fine. i play for atleast an hour on weekdays, and normaly 2 and a half-3 hours on weekends (when im at my moms). i should join the school band, but this coming year (junnior) i have a full 8 class load, and really have no room for it. maybe ill take it as a senior. and i can read music for drums now. couldent before, but just learned =)
haha dang nice first car!!! and ill try and drive like you =)
i know what you mean, but it still grosses me out that some people (even thoes unemployed) wouldent wash there hands. glad to hear the pictures help! i just got hooked up with blogger mobile thing, so hopefuly there will be more post like when im at school, or maybe even then im on the trip!!! haha hopefuly i can take some pic's while working with my phone and upload them directly! that be so sweet!
ok gtg hang with Andrew one last time before the week starts anew. Peace!!!
have fun kid... the phone camera works great... can't wait to see the pictures it takes when you go on your trip!!!
Oh, someday I'll tell you about the Mickey D's that a friend of mine worked at... the story involves a milkshake machine that is clogged and won't work, and a certain type of larvae.... UGGGGG!!! But, not now; it looks like you're getting close to dinnertime!!! lol luv, tman<3
haha i cant wait!!!! (EWWW) haha Peace!
Hi there, Spys
The pictures work fine - or at least they did until Google/blogger did something and half of them stopped loading. Oh well...
Pictures from your trip would be really great - actually being able to see your progress on what you're building would really make a difference to what you describe.
I don't actually know much about drums - could you tell us more about all the various bits you've got there? For example, I assume different size drums make different sounds (different pitches?), but I noticed that you've got two just about the same size.
I probably shouldn't talk about driving, as I don't drive myself. I would just say: be careful - there are a lot of idiots out there.
As for the legal notices and signs, it's much the same over here in Britain, though maybe not quite as bad yet. tman is right: it's all about companies protecting themselves against potential lawsuits. I'm sure there are legal departments full of people spending their time thinking of things the company might be sued for, instead of doing something productive. Sigh...
Take care
sham bout the pics. i posted somthing just for you bout my drums =) ill try to be careful
yeah i hope you guys manage to stay out of the stupidity crisis Peace!!!
Hi there, Spys
The pictures seem to have come back, just as mysteriously as they went...
Many thanks for the drum post.
Take care
I hate it when a restaurant has one of those signs in the bathroom... it makes me feel like they think their employees would forget to wash their hands before handling my food. Also im pretty sure no matter who you are driving with your mother is a pain.
Love and hugs
haha thanks Kringe =) and i saw Mark, yay! haha Peace!!!
I played the flute! How gay is that?! But I was first chair, and my senior year and into college played in a rock band, so I electrified it. I also played some guitar and bass. If I can offer one piece of advice (and here's my philosophy on advice: most asked for advice is unheeded, and most unasked for advice is unwanted): Don't ever stop playing. I haven't touched an instrument since the band broke up a long time ago. I even gave my guitar away to a teen friend about 10 years ago (and he became quite accomplished, but college took him away from it :-( ).
The drums look cool. If you're practicing that much, you'll be top of the heap before long!
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