yay for update


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ugh, i hate what my blogs become. its more of a constant update. im fine with that, but i intended for this to be a journal, mixed with a may to get my mind thinking. i havent made a philosophical post in a LONG time. im sorry guys!

well i finaly have my computer back so hopefully that will change soon.

geeze so much has happened lately.

so last week, i was in a parking lot, pulling through a spot (you know, when theres 2 spots open in front of each other, and you drive through the first one to make it look like you backed into the one you parked in)and my mirror hits the other cars mirror. it bends back, and startles me. i keep driving. i then stoped, and looked at the mirror. no one saw me hit it, and it only bent inward. no dammage done to that persons mirror, and jsut a small smudge on mine, which i can fix when i get more time. so anyway, im driving, trying to do a u'ie in the parking lot, mind clouded with wethor or not i should leave a note, and *scratch, bang, pop*. i drove up on a curb, back down, and poped my tire. KARMAS A BITCH!!! so im stuck there staring at the car i just hit. well one thing led to another, and i got a company to help my put my doughnut on and drove it to my dads, who helped me get a new tire.

and the next morning, i had court.

it went well. we drove 2 and a half hours (we as in my dad, i, and my aunt [lawyer]) we get there, get lost with minuets to spare, find the court, and are late, but my aunt called ahead to warn them. so i get up to the front when im called, make my plea, and get the ticket reduced to a 74 in a 65, it was 86 in a 65. the fine was still almost 300, but im happy.

then we took my aunt out for lunch as a thank you, and i had a good time.

last weekend, i hung out with Peter, and i will say, its the first time iv spent the night at somones house and been sober the whole night.

i had a good time, and got an invite to a part on the 29th. should be cool even though ill only know 2 people at this party.

thats really it. im glad i could get all this out haha.

thanks for stayen loyal guys!



Anonymous said...

We'll be here for you, dude! No sweat on the lack of updates...and yeah, sometimes blogs get like that, but it happens.

Glad you got the charges reduced. Here, 86 in a 65 would most likely have been reckless driving. Some judges won't let kids reduce it and they lose their license for a while.

Very cool that you can have fun sober. And you got a party invite! Well good!

I'll look forward to some philosophy.

Peace <3

Anonymous said...

OMG!! What's this???? A real post??? No way!!!!!! lololol.....

Well, Peter... I really don't know what to say... I'm all rusty... j/k You are, right about the whole mirror/karma thing, tho... The right thing to do, would have been to get out and verify that you did no damage to the other car... You would have had time to cool down, too, and, the rest probably wouldn't have happened... Oh well...

I'm really heartened to hear that you're enjoying life sober... It'll serve you well, I have no doubt!! And, there seems to be a certain benefit attached to that-- an invite to another party... Cool!! I'm sure you'll have fun, and, maybe even meet a nice guy or two!! luv, U.T.<3

wayner said...

Ok, from an almost old gay guy to a young gay guy; have you never heard of DEFENSIVE DRIVING? You are not in your living room couch when you are in a car; you are in two tons of moving metal. In an accident, doubling your speed causes FOUR times the damage. Driver distraction and carelessness are the major causes of accidents. When driving ALWAYS be constantly aware of what is going on around you and anticipate situations. Don't trust anyone or assume anything out on the road. Go with the flow of traffic or within 10mph of the speed limit to protect your license. Even an accident that is not your fault is a real pain in the ass. Here's some philosophy for you; after an accident, would you rather be in a wheelchair for life, or dead? bfn - Wayne (oh yeah, teens and booze are a bad mix!)(I love philosophy!)

Spys89 said...

Jay, haha yeah its reckless driving here too. woulda sucked if i had a tought judge haha but mine seemed like a cool guy

Tman, =P hahaha
haha i doubt ill meet any gay guys, but who knows, it could happen

Wayner, haha i know now, but when your on a very long, high speed, low traphic highway, things slip your mind, like watching your speed. and in that accident, id rather be dead then suffer.


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