hopefuly blogger will show it, but thats the same pic of my drum. as Mark requested, ill tell you about them. each of the cymabls make different sounds/pitches. the one on the far right (idk if you can see it) is called a highhat. its really 2 cymbals, one on the bottom facing up, and you use a pedal to control how far apart the cymbals are. that is really the main cymbal(s) i use. then, i have 2 crash cymbals. 2 16' and one 18' (or is is "... whichever one is inch). then i have a small cymbal in the middle, which is my 10' splash. last is my ride. its the big 20' one on the left.
then there are the different drums. the main on with the black head is my bass drum. you play this with a pedal. next are the two tom toms on the rack. one is a 12' and the other is a 14'. they just play different pitches. then is the floor tom. its the one on the left which is on the ground. my last drum is my black snair, which i dont know if you can see. its between my highhats and my bass. its really the main drum i use. ok i gtg. Peace!!!
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Time: 2:24 PM

alright, so that my drums ^ if it works haha. first picture on my blog yay haha. sorry the picture kind sucks, but i used my phone so... yah haha. damn, that was a quick weekend. i was suposed to hang out with a kid (Bramdon [posted bout him but forget why haha]) somtime this weekend, but that never happened. we were gona smoke, and have a chill night, but that never happened. oh well, theres always 2 weeks from now haha.
i HATE driving with my mom. she sucks at driving, and trys to corect me. first, she drive very concideratly, even if she has the right of way. its pisses me off. its people like her who cause accidents. i was going straight, and there was a person on my left, trying to take a left. my mom wanted me to stop for her, no stopsighn for me. i was like nope, and sped up haha. and apparently going 10 MPH around a turn is too fast. i know she's my mom, but as long as im following all the laws, why do i need to change?

also, i was in starbuck's bathroom. they had a sighn telling you how to wash your hands. shouldent you know that? i mean dont most people learn that before they go into the bathroom by themself? it seems to me that America is getting stupid right infront of me.
ok, dont forget to vote in the polls! =) thanks! Peace!!!
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Time: 7:20 AM
ok, so i dont know why every blogger decided to post Easter things today, a week before Easter, but i figured i'd do the same. (thanks for the idea Tman)
ok, so Easter has always been a tough time in my family, any holiday for that matter. my sister and i always knew my parents were getting a devorce somday, and around Easter, all the tension from work and the family came out. it really wasent that fun of a time. i dont remember most of the holidays except Christmas because all the other ones involved alot of screaming, and i try to forget that. well i only remember one Easter. its sad so if your in a good mood, dont read.
well i remember my mom and dad fighting all night. never physicaly, but my dad is the kind of person who can make words hurt more. well they were fighting about somthing. i really dident care. i was probably 11 or 12. i got late really quick. in the midst of there argument, and forgetment to decorate for Easter, both my parents start yelling at me to get in bed. for me, i dont like being yelled at when i did nothing wrong, but i understood that they were only yelling at me because they were yelling at eachother.
so i remind my mom about the only really tradition (besides Easter baskets) that we had, and Easter egg hunt. she remembers stomps down stairs, and grabs th baskets. while doing this, she starts crying and still yelling. this left a sight in my brain... i still remember her hiding the eggs right infront of me while screaming at me to go to bed, screaming at my dad for being an ass hole, and trying to prepair for the holidays. that really all i remember that Easter. what a great family memory right? haha. oh well. i still turned out fine =)
ok, so Easter has always been a tough time in my family, any holiday for that matter. my sister and i always knew my parents were getting a devorce somday, and around Easter, all the tension from work and the family came out. it really wasent that fun of a time. i dont remember most of the holidays except Christmas because all the other ones involved alot of screaming, and i try to forget that. well i only remember one Easter. its sad so if your in a good mood, dont read.
well i remember my mom and dad fighting all night. never physicaly, but my dad is the kind of person who can make words hurt more. well they were fighting about somthing. i really dident care. i was probably 11 or 12. i got late really quick. in the midst of there argument, and forgetment to decorate for Easter, both my parents start yelling at me to get in bed. for me, i dont like being yelled at when i did nothing wrong, but i understood that they were only yelling at me because they were yelling at eachother.
so i remind my mom about the only really tradition (besides Easter baskets) that we had, and Easter egg hunt. she remembers stomps down stairs, and grabs th baskets. while doing this, she starts crying and still yelling. this left a sight in my brain... i still remember her hiding the eggs right infront of me while screaming at me to go to bed, screaming at my dad for being an ass hole, and trying to prepair for the holidays. that really all i remember that Easter. what a great family memory right? haha. oh well. i still turned out fine =)
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Time: 9:56 PM
ok, so right after i got home from dinner with my sister and mom, i came home and checked my facebook. then Andrew (cute neighbor [13]) messaged me. told me to come over, so i did haha. his parents were gone, but we dident do anything. played airsoft inside for a little (i shot his ass haha) then monopoly for 5 minuets before realizing that that game sucks for 2 kids who are very impacient haha. well not much really happened. we just talked. i preped him for highschool next year a little. haha for somereason i always feel good mentouring kids. maybe ill start coaching next year. sorry back to the boaring story. wait... its prety much over. then at 12 30 i came home. now im here haha.
well today i got new highhats for my drum set. one day ill take a pic of it so you guys can see (if your interested). i really want to start puting pictures to my blog, but im a little scared with the whole copywright thing that ill get in trouble. oh well. you guys will just have to put up haha
ok im goen to bed because its 1 and im tiered. night! peace!!!
Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently.
sorry i figured this quote would fit the bored mood, but it kind brought it down. my b! haha
well today i got new highhats for my drum set. one day ill take a pic of it so you guys can see (if your interested). i really want to start puting pictures to my blog, but im a little scared with the whole copywright thing that ill get in trouble. oh well. you guys will just have to put up haha
ok im goen to bed because its 1 and im tiered. night! peace!!!
Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently.
sorry i figured this quote would fit the bored mood, but it kind brought it down. my b! haha
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Time: 5:41 PM
ok, so this will be a bit of a downer of a post, and maybe some people will stop following. if you are easily offended, please please please dont read!!! ye have been warned =)
ok, so i believe that every acton a person makes is selfish. no matter what it is, it all benefits (or we think it will benefit) us in some way. some people give to the poor because they like the way they feel after it. of course theres and added bonus of helping people out, but thats not the main purpose. or people will jump infront of a car, because there name will be better in the end, or if they live, they will be a hero. i gota go now but im open for a debate =) if it gets too out of hand, ill move it to an email. thanks! peace!!! =)
ok, so i believe that every acton a person makes is selfish. no matter what it is, it all benefits (or we think it will benefit) us in some way. some people give to the poor because they like the way they feel after it. of course theres and added bonus of helping people out, but thats not the main purpose. or people will jump infront of a car, because there name will be better in the end, or if they live, they will be a hero. i gota go now but im open for a debate =) if it gets too out of hand, ill move it to an email. thanks! peace!!! =)
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Time: 7:15 PM
well i know i just posted, but tonight was too awkward to pass up a post. ok, so Sara and her mom pick me up like right after i hit the post button. i wasent ready, but quickly threw some stuff on and fixed my hair in the car. we get to the mall (where the theater is at) and just wander. its not a big mall so we figured we'd find Patrick somwhere. we did. awkward hugs. now im the third wheel... FML.
so we were just talking, and a group of kids start yelling at us like they were the police. i just let it slide because power is in numbers, and we were waaaaaay outnumbered. but Patrick gives them the finger. i ran haha. then never did anything, but they were following us for a while. then it was movie time. How to Train a Dragon was a prety good movie. i was a little distracted by the sound of kissing (yes, Sara and Patrick are going out), but the movie was cool.
the movie finished, we walk out, and Patrick leaves. its now like 8:45. my mom said she'd pick us up at 9. we were waiting, and while waiting, we see like 13 kids we know, one of them being my ex, and another the cute kid who sits behind me (ill name them later =)). well Sara hates the cute kid because when the 3 of us went to school together, they dident get along. so it was just a night fool of awkward moments. oh and did i mention, my ex was with her new boyfriend? yeah...
its late, and im probably goin to bed now (or atleast tryen to). Night!!! and Peace!!! =)))
I couldent find the other posts i have quotes on, so if i already used this one, tell me and ill comment the new one =)
Others indeed may talk, and wright, and fight about liberty, and make outward pretence to it; but the free-thinker alone is truly free
-George Berkeley
so we were just talking, and a group of kids start yelling at us like they were the police. i just let it slide because power is in numbers, and we were waaaaaay outnumbered. but Patrick gives them the finger. i ran haha. then never did anything, but they were following us for a while. then it was movie time. How to Train a Dragon was a prety good movie. i was a little distracted by the sound of kissing (yes, Sara and Patrick are going out), but the movie was cool.
the movie finished, we walk out, and Patrick leaves. its now like 8:45. my mom said she'd pick us up at 9. we were waiting, and while waiting, we see like 13 kids we know, one of them being my ex, and another the cute kid who sits behind me (ill name them later =)). well Sara hates the cute kid because when the 3 of us went to school together, they dident get along. so it was just a night fool of awkward moments. oh and did i mention, my ex was with her new boyfriend? yeah...
its late, and im probably goin to bed now (or atleast tryen to). Night!!! and Peace!!! =)))
I couldent find the other posts i have quotes on, so if i already used this one, tell me and ill comment the new one =)
Others indeed may talk, and wright, and fight about liberty, and make outward pretence to it; but the free-thinker alone is truly free
-George Berkeley
ok, so i dident know what to talk about so sorry bout the crappy title. to start off, Mark, Hobbes is my curent favorite philosopher, so i know alot of his quotes, and they kind of stick out to me, because alot of what he belived is the base of what i belive.
ok so my week was prety boaring. even today sucked, and normaly im really happy on fridays. well it dident help that after the afternoon anouncments (the ones that basicaly just tell us to get the hell out of school haha) my teacher held us after class, told us noone care about world civ, or his homework, and that for now on he would assighn homework, and dident want us to do it because it made him sick how little we cared. now if this was english, i would be pumped because i really dont like that class, and have little respect for that teacher, but i LOVE world civ, and am alittle offended that he thinks im putting forth such little effort.
well ill step away from the topic because its getting me pissed off.
in like 45 minuets, im going to see how to train a dragon. idk if the movie will be any good, i just wana hang out with my friends. Sara will be there (from my party post). it should be fun. Oh and Patrick will be there too.
ill tell you guys if anything cool happens. Peace!!! PS 500 hits! yay =)
Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is an opinion
ok so my week was prety boaring. even today sucked, and normaly im really happy on fridays. well it dident help that after the afternoon anouncments (the ones that basicaly just tell us to get the hell out of school haha) my teacher held us after class, told us noone care about world civ, or his homework, and that for now on he would assighn homework, and dident want us to do it because it made him sick how little we cared. now if this was english, i would be pumped because i really dont like that class, and have little respect for that teacher, but i LOVE world civ, and am alittle offended that he thinks im putting forth such little effort.
well ill step away from the topic because its getting me pissed off.
in like 45 minuets, im going to see how to train a dragon. idk if the movie will be any good, i just wana hang out with my friends. Sara will be there (from my party post). it should be fun. Oh and Patrick will be there too.
ill tell you guys if anything cool happens. Peace!!! PS 500 hits! yay =)
Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is an opinion
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Time: 1:21 PM
yay for more than one (me)! haha the thing you guys dont know is i had 2 other bloggs i tried to start, but no one ever fallowed, so i stopd, and decided to have another go at it. yay for fallowers!!!! now i just need more haha. i know, im greedy. oh well, im just pumped =)!!!!!
haha yay for updates!!! well not really, got some bad news. in 2 weeks, im going down south with my school to build houses for the poor or somthing, and wont be back for 5 days =(. the bad thing is, im not even that excited. im just going to put it on my resume and for my servise hours. oh well, i think you guys can last 5 days without hearing me rant.
i honistaly dont know what else to say... i gota go in 10 minuets for school. that was another little update. oh i know! ill say as many short updates as i can until i have to go (or get board).
ok well my hairs wet. my tie is anoying me. my shirt. (i dident know what to say). my phone looks extra shinny. geez i need to get some sun. im pale =(. whats the point of having a stapler with no staples? ok well i got board so im gona go get ready for school. Peace!!! =)))
i honistaly dont know what else to say... i gota go in 10 minuets for school. that was another little update. oh i know! ill say as many short updates as i can until i have to go (or get board).
ok well my hairs wet. my tie is anoying me. my shirt. (i dident know what to say). my phone looks extra shinny. geez i need to get some sun. im pale =(. whats the point of having a stapler with no staples? ok well i got board so im gona go get ready for school. Peace!!! =)))
ok, so i always do my thinking right before i go to bed, and right when i get up. well i kept thinging about my neighbor, Andrew. idk if i did a post about him or not. he's 13 and in 8th grade. hes fit, plays sports, and very physicaly mature for his age. not to mention, he's cute. i cant fucking get him out of my head... idk what to do. im sure he's straight. oh well. another guy i cant have. i just wish somone else i knew was bi or gay. it'd be so nice.
also, i was thinking about telling one of my close friends (girl), who just so happens to be my ex. but she's really cool, and we talk almost every day now. what do you guys think? would it make my life any easier? should i? i wont until somone comments, and then ill post telling you guys if i did or not. PEACE!!!!! =)
also, i was thinking about telling one of my close friends (girl), who just so happens to be my ex. but she's really cool, and we talk almost every day now. what do you guys think? would it make my life any easier? should i? i wont until somone comments, and then ill post telling you guys if i did or not. PEACE!!!!! =)
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Time: 6:22 AM
hey guys, when i wrote the title, i was in a shitty mood, but right now im listening to 99 red balloons by goldfinger. great band and great cover! so now ill just tell you guys what happened.
well we were on our way home from school/work (for her)and we got a letter in the mail from the college board. apparentaly the testing for my dyslexia was too old. i found this hard to belive because i had it done in 8th grade. i asked my mom and she said she sent the one from when i was in 6th grade. i was like whaat? she said that the one in 8th grade sasid i was normal. i was crushed. i know it would seem like a good thing that i wasent dyslexic, but not to me. for one thing, my sister started saying i wasent dyslexic after the tests, and i never knew why until now. and being told somthing like that after 4 years of thinking you were somthing, now finding out you arent, well its hard for me. idk... im just a bit pissed right now. thanks for listening to my rant! =)
well we were on our way home from school/work (for her)and we got a letter in the mail from the college board. apparentaly the testing for my dyslexia was too old. i found this hard to belive because i had it done in 8th grade. i asked my mom and she said she sent the one from when i was in 6th grade. i was like whaat? she said that the one in 8th grade sasid i was normal. i was crushed. i know it would seem like a good thing that i wasent dyslexic, but not to me. for one thing, my sister started saying i wasent dyslexic after the tests, and i never knew why until now. and being told somthing like that after 4 years of thinking you were somthing, now finding out you arent, well its hard for me. idk... im just a bit pissed right now. thanks for listening to my rant! =)
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Time: 11:22 AM
ok, so those word may not fit together the best, but read the post before judging
also, this will probably be a long post because chances are, i wont post tommarrow, and i dont know if ill be able to post friday, and that being said, the post on the weekend will be short to, so this will have to do =)
ok so i dont know if i've told you guys, but i have a sister. she's 19 and has inspired me to become the person i am today. when we were younger, we never got along, but the day my parents told us they were getting divorced, we became really close.
we both knew the day was coming, and neither of us were upset with it, but neither of us wanted to be in the awkward house. she had just gotten her licens, and she told me to get changed, and we were going driving. i dident know where, and she really dident eather, but we just wanted to leave.
so we start driving, and my sister asked me what was down that road. i told he thats how you get to the next stat, and she turned onto it. we ended up going into the next state, and finding an outlet mall thing. so we shopped, bonded, and sence then, we've been close. that was the day i found out she drank. that was a big point in my life because, as i said before, she was an inspiration, and like 3 months later, i started drinking. not much, and i still dont, but it was a cool thing to exchange stories of what we did on the weekend.
so thats my sister and i's storie. no it will lead to the next point, philosophy. i originaly created this blog to help me explore both my sexuality, and my philosophies. so far, i've really only focused on my sexuality. now my sister because a huge philosophy fan, and i did to (haha told u she inspired me). well both of us think the exact same, and are more inteligent then most people. im not bragging, but most people dont like our jokes because they make you think, and we really are more intelectualy mature in the way that we think about hard questions.
so i gues its hard for me to conect all 3 points, but they will leed to eachother.
so my philosophy of true love. i dont belive in it, and it makes absolutly no sence to me. i understand how people could belive in it, but i cant. im an athiest (against my parents wishes) and i dont think we were "made for eachother." if you are looking for true love, you will be let down constintaly. i belive that we can love poeple, but we dont have a true love. this is another way religion has destroyed society. most people hold out for that one person, and chances are, they will never find them!
the thought of one person spending ther whole life with another one person is unrealistic. Heraclitus (an ancient philosopher) once said "the chain of wedlock is so heavy that it takes two to cary it-and sometimnes three." why cant people realize that sex is not love, but pleasure. if i was straight, and marries a woman, i would want her to realize that if i have sex with another woman, its not because i love them, but its new, and pleasurable. idk, i guess im just fed up with hearing my girl friends (2 words) boy troubles. ok ill stop ranting and let you guys get on with your lives =) PEACE!!!
also, this will probably be a long post because chances are, i wont post tommarrow, and i dont know if ill be able to post friday, and that being said, the post on the weekend will be short to, so this will have to do =)
ok so i dont know if i've told you guys, but i have a sister. she's 19 and has inspired me to become the person i am today. when we were younger, we never got along, but the day my parents told us they were getting divorced, we became really close.
we both knew the day was coming, and neither of us were upset with it, but neither of us wanted to be in the awkward house. she had just gotten her licens, and she told me to get changed, and we were going driving. i dident know where, and she really dident eather, but we just wanted to leave.
so we start driving, and my sister asked me what was down that road. i told he thats how you get to the next stat, and she turned onto it. we ended up going into the next state, and finding an outlet mall thing. so we shopped, bonded, and sence then, we've been close. that was the day i found out she drank. that was a big point in my life because, as i said before, she was an inspiration, and like 3 months later, i started drinking. not much, and i still dont, but it was a cool thing to exchange stories of what we did on the weekend.
so thats my sister and i's storie. no it will lead to the next point, philosophy. i originaly created this blog to help me explore both my sexuality, and my philosophies. so far, i've really only focused on my sexuality. now my sister because a huge philosophy fan, and i did to (haha told u she inspired me). well both of us think the exact same, and are more inteligent then most people. im not bragging, but most people dont like our jokes because they make you think, and we really are more intelectualy mature in the way that we think about hard questions.
so i gues its hard for me to conect all 3 points, but they will leed to eachother.
so my philosophy of true love. i dont belive in it, and it makes absolutly no sence to me. i understand how people could belive in it, but i cant. im an athiest (against my parents wishes) and i dont think we were "made for eachother." if you are looking for true love, you will be let down constintaly. i belive that we can love poeple, but we dont have a true love. this is another way religion has destroyed society. most people hold out for that one person, and chances are, they will never find them!
the thought of one person spending ther whole life with another one person is unrealistic. Heraclitus (an ancient philosopher) once said "the chain of wedlock is so heavy that it takes two to cary it-and sometimnes three." why cant people realize that sex is not love, but pleasure. if i was straight, and marries a woman, i would want her to realize that if i have sex with another woman, its not because i love them, but its new, and pleasurable. idk, i guess im just fed up with hearing my girl friends (2 words) boy troubles. ok ill stop ranting and let you guys get on with your lives =) PEACE!!!
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Time: 1:19 PM
ok, so i got up this morning, mom dident do laundry last night so i had to wear an old shirt. it had a stain on the pocket, and i dident realize it until i was at school... fml
go to school, piss tired cuz i woke up an extra hour early, damn day light savings time. boared until lunch. you guys need some more background info.
so im not a jock or tool, i used to be but when i stoped playing lacrosse, it all stoped. so now im just a kid not too many people know well enough to judge who i really am. most people judge me as a fat, lazy, pothead, dumbass. im not! am i fat? kinda... am i lazy? to an extent, but most people are. am i a pothead? no! that ticks me off so much. when i was in 8th grade i was told by a close friend that people have been saying that i was an alchoholic and i came to school drunk every day, which is why i was so "jolly". i've never drank at school, and never plan to. i only smoked weed a couple of times. (i said the stuff bout alchoholic because it pissed me off and was in the same area [kinda]) and am i a dumbass? fuck no. i have a 4.0... so fuck off.
ok sorry that was my rant for the day =) back to my point, im not a jock/tool. well i got to my lunch table with acouple of kids i know, but not too well. me and 3 of my friends invaded there table and they dident mind. well today, another teacher gave his class a free period so they were all in the cafateria. i sit down, and next thing i know, Tool central! and not just tools, uber-tool-douchbags! they took all of the chairs up except mine, and 3 of the other kids i dont really know whos table it originaly was.
my "friend" ditch me and go to another table full of people i dont know. i stayed at that lunch table because i was already there, and i dident want to look like a freek moving in the middle of lunch. well i finish lunch fast, go to through my tray away, drink in hand cuz i was gona finish it and throw it away then sit back down, and one of the bigest douches ever (whos in my chem class) moves over to my seat (DICK!) well i can take a hint, there like that and i knew that. so i left and went to hang out with a cooler teacher who i knew had a free period. i just did homework in his classroom. he dident care.
ok, ok, that was the end of my rant =)
after that not much happened. im gona go play the drums now. peace! (comment <3!)
go to school, piss tired cuz i woke up an extra hour early, damn day light savings time. boared until lunch. you guys need some more background info.
so im not a jock or tool, i used to be but when i stoped playing lacrosse, it all stoped. so now im just a kid not too many people know well enough to judge who i really am. most people judge me as a fat, lazy, pothead, dumbass. im not! am i fat? kinda... am i lazy? to an extent, but most people are. am i a pothead? no! that ticks me off so much. when i was in 8th grade i was told by a close friend that people have been saying that i was an alchoholic and i came to school drunk every day, which is why i was so "jolly". i've never drank at school, and never plan to. i only smoked weed a couple of times. (i said the stuff bout alchoholic because it pissed me off and was in the same area [kinda]) and am i a dumbass? fuck no. i have a 4.0... so fuck off.
ok sorry that was my rant for the day =) back to my point, im not a jock/tool. well i got to my lunch table with acouple of kids i know, but not too well. me and 3 of my friends invaded there table and they dident mind. well today, another teacher gave his class a free period so they were all in the cafateria. i sit down, and next thing i know, Tool central! and not just tools, uber-tool-douchbags! they took all of the chairs up except mine, and 3 of the other kids i dont really know whos table it originaly was.
my "friend" ditch me and go to another table full of people i dont know. i stayed at that lunch table because i was already there, and i dident want to look like a freek moving in the middle of lunch. well i finish lunch fast, go to through my tray away, drink in hand cuz i was gona finish it and throw it away then sit back down, and one of the bigest douches ever (whos in my chem class) moves over to my seat (DICK!) well i can take a hint, there like that and i knew that. so i left and went to hang out with a cooler teacher who i knew had a free period. i just did homework in his classroom. he dident care.
ok, ok, that was the end of my rant =)
after that not much happened. im gona go play the drums now. peace! (comment <3!)
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Time: 6:30 PM
ok, so i have my learners. i have only been in a parting lot twice, today and last week. well in the parking lot outside a local shop, there was a mound of snow in the middle of one of the rows, so there were probably 10-12 spots, and they were all filed. so i backed up, and went forward, and repeated 10 times with no luck at getting out. there was a woman in a white truck, the truck was off, and she was honking at me... that BITCH!!! pissed me off. my mom was like, is she honking at you? i said i dont give a f, she can wait. my mom got mad at me for saying the letter f... no comment.
well thats really all, im just ranting at all you women in white truck. ok, i gota go to sleep. Peace!
well thats really all, im just ranting at all you women in white truck. ok, i gota go to sleep. Peace!
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Time: 8:38 AM
ok, so last night was fun. the guy i told you about in the last post (his name is Peter) came over at like 6:30. we hung out in my basement for a while. we played GTA San Andreas for a while, then 007 Night Fire (the best gamecube game EVER). then my mom came down at like 10 to say she was going to bed. we watched TV for about a half an hour and then went out side and smoked some weed =). haha it was funny because Peter hasent smoked much (neither have i) and he's really bad at it... but he still was flyin.
well then we played GTA again for like 2 hours. then we went outside to dispose of the bowl's and 2 beer cans (yes, we had a beer each too). the thing is, we went out my basment door (which my mom told me to stop using) and it was raining. so there are still foot prints of where we walked, hope my mom dosent see them haha oh well. then we walked for a little. we cought up. he now has a girlfriend, who he is seeing today. her mom is about to put her on birth control. he was pumped. to be honest, i thought he was bi too, but i guess not.
then he told me how he fingered her (which i really dident want to know) and that he was going to get head today. i asked him if he lover her. he said he dident know. he then told me he almost txt'd her the he loved her 4 times just on our walk.
when we were walking back to my house, at 12:45ish, there was a car coming down the road. i live in a neighbor hood so i was a little parinoid. luckily, i dident recognize the car.
well we then went back inside. we talked for a little more. i was kidding around with him and asked if he was bi. thinking i was joking, he said no and laughed. he kept making gay jokes, and i had had it. i said whats wrong with being gay? he said nothing and changed the subject. later on in our conversation, he said i wana suck your dick. i said what? he changed the subject again. damn, talk about mixed signals.
well then we went to sleep, well he did anyway. i stayed awake for like and hour thinking about the night, and going back over it. i dont know why, but i had nothing better to do. when i finaly got to sleep at like 1:15, Peter woke me up, mumbled somthing like "wheres the door bell" then walked upstairs. i fallowed him because i dident know what he was talking about, and i had to take a leek. apparently he did too haha. after that, we both went back to sleep.
woke up this morning at like 8:30. Peter woke me up. he went and took a shower, and i watched a rerun of Mythbusters. after his shower, we watched TV until 10, when his parents were here. he had to go to 10:30 mass so he left.
now im just chillen haha. i picked out a new computer so soon ill be able to get back on MSN (yay). geeze, you know you have nothing to do when you hanging out in a basment, one your familys computer, listening to Dave Matthews Band, and txting you ex. oh well. COMENT! =) peace!!!
well then we played GTA again for like 2 hours. then we went outside to dispose of the bowl's and 2 beer cans (yes, we had a beer each too). the thing is, we went out my basment door (which my mom told me to stop using) and it was raining. so there are still foot prints of where we walked, hope my mom dosent see them haha oh well. then we walked for a little. we cought up. he now has a girlfriend, who he is seeing today. her mom is about to put her on birth control. he was pumped. to be honest, i thought he was bi too, but i guess not.
then he told me how he fingered her (which i really dident want to know) and that he was going to get head today. i asked him if he lover her. he said he dident know. he then told me he almost txt'd her the he loved her 4 times just on our walk.
when we were walking back to my house, at 12:45ish, there was a car coming down the road. i live in a neighbor hood so i was a little parinoid. luckily, i dident recognize the car.
well we then went back inside. we talked for a little more. i was kidding around with him and asked if he was bi. thinking i was joking, he said no and laughed. he kept making gay jokes, and i had had it. i said whats wrong with being gay? he said nothing and changed the subject. later on in our conversation, he said i wana suck your dick. i said what? he changed the subject again. damn, talk about mixed signals.
well then we went to sleep, well he did anyway. i stayed awake for like and hour thinking about the night, and going back over it. i dont know why, but i had nothing better to do. when i finaly got to sleep at like 1:15, Peter woke me up, mumbled somthing like "wheres the door bell" then walked upstairs. i fallowed him because i dident know what he was talking about, and i had to take a leek. apparently he did too haha. after that, we both went back to sleep.
woke up this morning at like 8:30. Peter woke me up. he went and took a shower, and i watched a rerun of Mythbusters. after his shower, we watched TV until 10, when his parents were here. he had to go to 10:30 mass so he left.
now im just chillen haha. i picked out a new computer so soon ill be able to get back on MSN (yay). geeze, you know you have nothing to do when you hanging out in a basment, one your familys computer, listening to Dave Matthews Band, and txting you ex. oh well. COMENT! =) peace!!!
Category :
Time: 11:04 AM
ok, so today my friends coming over. it should be alot of fun. hes a cool guy. hes 15 and were prety close friends. we've known eachother sence we were 8 or 9. we used to play sports together. then, one day after practice, he just out of the blue, invited me to go hang out at his house. from then on, we've been great friends. we went to grade school together, but then we went to different high schools.
we've shared a lot of expirences too. he was the first person i drank with, and he was the first guy i "did things" with. ill tell you that story because im board and my moms not home.
well, ill give you a story a week before, and then the reall story.
he came over to my house, we drank, and then decided it would be fun to streak around my backyard. i live in a neighbor hood so there was addrenalin in both of our blood. it was probably midnight. well when we came back to chill outside by my house, fully clothed, he told me he was bi. i told him that was cool, and i dident judge. i dident tell him i was the same because i was only 13 and dident fully understant it yet. well then he asked if he could do somthing to me, he wanted to give me a bj. i said no because it would make our friendship very awkward. well we went to sleep, and the next morning he asked me what happened, and i said i dident remember eather. i think he remembered, but i wasent going to retell him what happened.
that morning my mom found a bottle, sniffed it, and found out we drank. ill tell that story later haha.
well heres the story i promised earlier.
the week after my last story, we decided to hang out at his house, because we were still going to drink, and we knew my mom never said anything to his parents. i got there, we played video games until his parents fell asleep. we broke out the vodka, and had a fun time haha. well then, we chilled, him on an air bed, and i was on a couch. well ill skip some stuff because it really dosent matter, but he ended up doing what he wanted to the week before. so thats the storie =)
ill tell you guys what happenes tonite some time latter. haha peace! (comment!)
we've shared a lot of expirences too. he was the first person i drank with, and he was the first guy i "did things" with. ill tell you that story because im board and my moms not home.
well, ill give you a story a week before, and then the reall story.
he came over to my house, we drank, and then decided it would be fun to streak around my backyard. i live in a neighbor hood so there was addrenalin in both of our blood. it was probably midnight. well when we came back to chill outside by my house, fully clothed, he told me he was bi. i told him that was cool, and i dident judge. i dident tell him i was the same because i was only 13 and dident fully understant it yet. well then he asked if he could do somthing to me, he wanted to give me a bj. i said no because it would make our friendship very awkward. well we went to sleep, and the next morning he asked me what happened, and i said i dident remember eather. i think he remembered, but i wasent going to retell him what happened.
that morning my mom found a bottle, sniffed it, and found out we drank. ill tell that story later haha.
well heres the story i promised earlier.
the week after my last story, we decided to hang out at his house, because we were still going to drink, and we knew my mom never said anything to his parents. i got there, we played video games until his parents fell asleep. we broke out the vodka, and had a fun time haha. well then, we chilled, him on an air bed, and i was on a couch. well ill skip some stuff because it really dosent matter, but he ended up doing what he wanted to the week before. so thats the storie =)
ill tell you guys what happenes tonite some time latter. haha peace! (comment!)
hey guys. kinds pissed today. this morning, i woke up, took a shower, and tryied to get dressed. i say tried because when i went to put my shirt on, a button poped off. then when i did my tie, it was way to long. so bad start to a bad day.
then, i went to school and had 4 tests.
came home, and put my snare drum back together, and then foundout my computer is broken, yay me. well i need a new one now. im using my moms computer now.
comment and cheer me up =)
haha thanks. peace!
then, i went to school and had 4 tests.
came home, and put my snare drum back together, and then foundout my computer is broken, yay me. well i need a new one now. im using my moms computer now.
comment and cheer me up =)
haha thanks. peace!
hey guys!
haha wow im up late (and sober haha)
well i just sighed off Y!messenger. i talked to this really cool guy, who's my age, for 3 and a half hours. dang. haha besides u guys, hes the first person i told i wasent straight. thats big for me =)
well he seems cute, and wants me to send him a pic of me (fully clothed haha) but idk if i want to... i dont look good and im not skinny, and i really dont want how i look so screw this up. i mean will i ever meet him? probably not, but i really enjoy talking to him... idk.
well this was short, but im goen to bed. nighty night! peace!!!
haha wow im up late (and sober haha)
well i just sighed off Y!messenger. i talked to this really cool guy, who's my age, for 3 and a half hours. dang. haha besides u guys, hes the first person i told i wasent straight. thats big for me =)
well he seems cute, and wants me to send him a pic of me (fully clothed haha) but idk if i want to... i dont look good and im not skinny, and i really dont want how i look so screw this up. i mean will i ever meet him? probably not, but i really enjoy talking to him... idk.
well this was short, but im goen to bed. nighty night! peace!!!
Category :
Time: 4:07 PM
so, i just got back from a college sports tournament. there were 6 teams playing. for obvious privacy reason, i wont say what schools. and the game would also give away where i live. not a lot of places play this game, and my area is debatably the best at it =).
well, this tournament is a big event here. there were probably at least 750 people there. and they funny thing is, people were moving in and out as the different games were going on. so when i say 750, thats at one time.
needless to say, there were loads of cute guys left and right. well for the first game, i sat in the bleachers. it was a great game, even went into over time. we moved up to a box seat. the guy i talked about in the last post, who sits behind me, was there. his name is John. he's really cool. when i came in, he said hey and we sat down next to each other. we watched the game, another great one. we talked about some things, mainly girls. i dont know if im gay or bi, and really i dont care. i can appreciate a females body, there for i can convince other guys im straight.
well hes very cute, and im not. he has 2 dates already set up for the next week with 2 girls who want to get with him, i dont. i dont know if im jealous, or truly think hes cute, but one way or another, im attracted to him.
well sorry for straying from the story, i just thought that would help me figure things out.
i saw a lot of other guys i dident want to see there. i kinda hid from them haha. my dad and i left half way through the 3rd game (there were only 3). ether way, it was a pretty good day. might post tomorrow, might not. dont know yet.
peace!!! =)
well, this tournament is a big event here. there were probably at least 750 people there. and they funny thing is, people were moving in and out as the different games were going on. so when i say 750, thats at one time.
needless to say, there were loads of cute guys left and right. well for the first game, i sat in the bleachers. it was a great game, even went into over time. we moved up to a box seat. the guy i talked about in the last post, who sits behind me, was there. his name is John. he's really cool. when i came in, he said hey and we sat down next to each other. we watched the game, another great one. we talked about some things, mainly girls. i dont know if im gay or bi, and really i dont care. i can appreciate a females body, there for i can convince other guys im straight.
well hes very cute, and im not. he has 2 dates already set up for the next week with 2 girls who want to get with him, i dont. i dont know if im jealous, or truly think hes cute, but one way or another, im attracted to him.
well sorry for straying from the story, i just thought that would help me figure things out.
i saw a lot of other guys i dident want to see there. i kinda hid from them haha. my dad and i left half way through the 3rd game (there were only 3). ether way, it was a pretty good day. might post tomorrow, might not. dont know yet.
peace!!! =)
Category :
Time: 1:07 PM
school fucking sucked today. i forgot to do my homework in english class. teacher dident even know, but i doubt he would care. but then he screamed at me and this one kid for finishing this worksheet he gave us early. (dick.) then i had world civ. not too bad. this kid who sits behind me (who is VERY cute) kept messin with me, like he'd poke my back, then kick my thigh. its was kind of amusing haha
then i had a free. that was fine. nothing really happened. then was lunch. the worst day of my fucking life. first, im waiting in the lunch line for 15 minuets. then a teacher (who i had last year and was prety cool) sniped me for wearing a coat in line. i had to get out of line, take it off, then go to the back of the line. i went from waiting for 15 minuets, to waiting for 30 minuets. then i get my food, sit down at my table, and this guy, who i thought was my friend, was being a total ass hole. the whole time he was making fun of my weight. now dont get me wrong, im not skiny, but im not that fat. im big, but strong. they kinda go hand in hand. well he kept telling me to move to canada, and marry food. that pissed the hell out of me, so i just left. through the food out, and left.
then got kicked out of my next class for "messing around and being stupid"
later one of my teachers told me i "wasent at his potential."
why the fuck should i strive to be at his potential? i dont give a shit what he thinks i could be. then when i asked him what i was doing wrong, he said he dident know. later he told me i should stop doing my homework last minuet. well i then explained to him that i have never turned anything in late, so why should i change? he just got pissed off and told me to "get the hell out"
that was really my day. thanks for reading my rant =) peace!
then i had a free. that was fine. nothing really happened. then was lunch. the worst day of my fucking life. first, im waiting in the lunch line for 15 minuets. then a teacher (who i had last year and was prety cool) sniped me for wearing a coat in line. i had to get out of line, take it off, then go to the back of the line. i went from waiting for 15 minuets, to waiting for 30 minuets. then i get my food, sit down at my table, and this guy, who i thought was my friend, was being a total ass hole. the whole time he was making fun of my weight. now dont get me wrong, im not skiny, but im not that fat. im big, but strong. they kinda go hand in hand. well he kept telling me to move to canada, and marry food. that pissed the hell out of me, so i just left. through the food out, and left.
then got kicked out of my next class for "messing around and being stupid"
later one of my teachers told me i "wasent at his potential."
why the fuck should i strive to be at his potential? i dont give a shit what he thinks i could be. then when i asked him what i was doing wrong, he said he dident know. later he told me i should stop doing my homework last minuet. well i then explained to him that i have never turned anything in late, so why should i change? he just got pissed off and told me to "get the hell out"
that was really my day. thanks for reading my rant =) peace!
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