Long Time


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hey guys, sorry its been a while sense my last post. i was in the mountains with my mom skiing. this post was going to be about my girlfriend, but when i was writing the title, it got me thinking. the main question this time is why do older people deserve more respect than other people?

ok so i think we all can relate to this one. if its not your parents, its you grandparents, or teachers. in most peoples lives, there's at least one person who demands respect. and when you ask, there response sounds something like "im older and deserve it." well i dont like that response. why does someone deserve respect for aging more than me?
my grandmother is this way. she thinks that sense she is my mothers mom, that she can boss me around. well she hasn't done a thing to deserve my respect. you may have been on this earth longer than me, and sure you have experienced different (and according to her "more") but that doesn't mean a thing to me. show me that you've learned more from those experiences and you will have my respect. and no, learning how to bark orders doesn't count as learning anything.

ok well im glad if you took the time to read this. see ya!


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