Hey all you imaginary readers, I'm posting from my moms blackberry so this may be a short post.
Well I was out to dinner with my mom and sister a few nights ago and I got into an argument with them like I always do. My dad and I have the same curse, we always play the devils advocate. Eventualy that's one of the big reasons my parents split up. Well I was explaining to both my mom and sister that they use words or hear words and don't think of the literal meaning of them. For instince, I said one of my uncles was pathetic because he was short. This may sound crule but if u knew me, I say a lot of things as jokes, even if there not funny. Well my mom got very defencive, which I would expect most people to do, except the people I live with because me and my sister insult our parents siblings all the time because its a way for us to express all the negatives about them so that when we see them, we see there positives a lot more. Anyways, iv gotten off topic like I normaly do.
We while the 3 of us were fighting (even though it was really more like them teaming up on my) well my sister says that the way I think is wrong, and that I need to go on medicine to fix it. I really don't have a problem with medicine, but I like the way I think. Why should I change for them? Aren't they just selfish to want me to chabge for them?
Well that really got to me. So now I'm kind stuck in a rut. I've needed to get on medicine for a while because of my aungsiety (a butchered that word haha), my ocd, and a lot of people think I'm add. I guess ill just wait and see if my mom ever books me an appointment with a theropist. And if she does, ill see what he has to say.
Well thanks for reading =)